Using AI Codes to encourage submission specials


Young Lion
Dec 7, 2020
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Oh hi! Didn't know Waylon was here too.

It's better to have 802D3BE1 and not 802F3BE1 ?

Edit: After seeing your edit, I have considered turning rope breaks off and have already changed movesets around so guys like Flair and Bret target legs,
Jericho is more on the body, Crippler is head, right? Like the Mandible Claw?

Edit2: I'm only using 18 characters for the eFed so it's not a big deal if it is a Universal code, because no one else will be using these moves.


Lower Midcard
Jan 12, 2013
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kylos1987 said:
Oh hi! Didn't know Waylon was here too.

It's better to have 802D3BE1 and not 802F3BE1 ?

Edit: After seeing your edit, I have considered turning rope breaks off and have already changed movesets around so guys like Flair and Bret target legs,
Jericho is more on the body, Crippler is head, right? Like the Mandible Claw?

Edit2: I'm only using 18 characters for the eFed so it's not a big deal if it is a Universal code, because no one else will be using these moves.

Sorry, that was a typo with that address.  It is 802F3BE1.  I wrote a D by mistake.

That's correct about the body parts, though note that each submission hold has exactly one body part that triggers the submission.  The way that submission holds work is that each hold has an offensive and defensive body part, but additionally does damage to one or more body parts.  For example, the Sharpshooter's second part does 02 damage to the body, 01 to the legs, and 01 to the "flying" (I think what flying damage does is reduce the opponent's speed), but since its defensive body part is the legs, only the legs damage can produce a submission.  So say that the opponent had had his body worked over, but his legs were still pretty healthy, and then he got put in the Sharpshooter; he would take a lot of damage to the body and his body health might drop down to its  minimum value, but he wouldn't submit to the hold unless his legs health also reached its minimum value (besides general health, each body part has its own health value, if you weren't aware).  This consideration comes into play with some moves like the STF, which surprisingly has the legs, rather than the head, as the body part that triggers a submission, so you wouldn't bother wearing down the head if you plan to finish someone off with the STF.  I made a spreadsheet that has all of the values for each move as a reference:


Young Lion
Dec 7, 2020
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Yeah I noticed the game is strange with which body parts work on a submission when I read that the Sharpshooter needs focus on the legs.

In the spreadsheet it says the base code for the Figure Four (2) is 802F3BCC. Does it change to 802F3BE1 because it's a special???

I looked up the values for the submissions (all during the second part) I mentioned, so they are the following:

Figure Four: Damage 2. Atk Body Part = Legs / Def Body Part = Legs -- Legs Damage = 2 / Speed Damage = 2
Crossface: Damage 3. Atk Body Part = Arms / Def Body Part = Head -- Head Damage = 2 / Arm Damage = 1
Irish Whip Crossface: Damage 2. Atk Body Part = Arms / Def Body Part = Head -- Head Damage = 2 / Arm Damage = 1
Sharpshooter: Damage 2. Atk Body Part = Body / Def Body Part = Legs -- Body Damage = 2 / Leg Damage = 1 / Speed Damage = 1
Walls of Jericho: Damage 3. Atk Body Part = Body / Def Body Part = Body -- Body Damage = 3 / Leg Damage = 1 / Speed Damage = 1
Mandible Claw: Damage 2. Atk Body Part = Arms / Def Body Part = Head -- Head Damage = 4

Some observations:

1) The Mandible Claw is pretty much as strong as it can be, although it would still be nice to bump it up a notch.

2) The ground Crossface and Irish Whip Crossface do not have the same initial damage value, but the main thing is they have the same everything else.
Daniel Bryan tends to favour the Irish Whip Crossface because of the AI, but it can also do the ground one sometimes, so he's going to need both of these

3) The Sharpshooter is soooooo weak! I thought that was the case. It is using legs as the submission target, but the value is set to 1. This makes it really
difficult for a CAW like a Bret Hart or a Sting (if someone used him) to make someone tap out to this move.

4) Walls of Jericho is the second strongest submission here. The body is the main target for so many moves, so it isn't difficult for Chris Jericho to target
this, unlike Flair or Hart with the legs. The head is a little annoying to target too, because you need a lot of sleeper holds, piledrivers and the like.

These are the addresses for the other submissions. They are all specials, so I am assuming they do not need any changes?

Crippler Ground: 802F8DC8
Cripple Irish: 802EB3D0
Sharpshooter: 802F8F0C
Walls of Jericho: 802F8FE4
Mandible Claw: 802E8D24

Edit: With this code, Ric Flair's Figure Four Special is way more dangerous. After one application, either it makes the opponent hold their leg in pain, or it makes them tap out. WOOOO!

D115AF50 0A05
802F3BE1 0005
D115B2A8 0A05
802F88F1 0005
D115B600 0A05
802FD601 0005
D115B958 0A05
80302311 0005


So I figured the base codes are just basic and should not be used. Instead, I have gone to the game generator and will test the following:

Crippler Ground

D115AF50 0A06
802F8DDA 0005
D115B2A8 0A06
802FDAEA 0005
D115B600 0A06
803027FA 0005
D115B958 0A06
8030750A 0005

Crippler Irish

D115AF50 0A06
802EB3E2 0005
D115B2A8 0A06
802F00F2 0005
D115B600 0A06
802F4E02 0005
D115B958 0A06
802F9B12 0005


D115AF50 0A07
802F8F21 0005
D115B2A8 0A07
802FDC31 0005
D115B600 0A07
80302941 0005
D115B958 0A07
80307651 0005

Walls of Jericho

D115AF50 0A10
802F8FF7 0005
D115B2A8 0A10
802FDD07 0005
D115B600 0A10
80302A17 0005
D115B958 0A10
80307727 0005

Mandible Claw

D115AF50 0A0F
802E8D36 0005
D115B2A8 0A0F
802EDA46 0005
D115B600 0A0F
802F2756 0005
D115B958 0A0F
802F7466 0005

Edit3: Ok after trying all these I'm not so sure now. Bret's Sharpshooter doesn't feel any stronger than before. It could just be me though. Daniel Bryan's Crossface isn't working all that good,
but I think it's because he needs his moveset tweaked as he hurts the arm more than the head. I'll mess around with movesets some more to see what they can do. I do have two opponents
who are the benchmark, so if they can be on a somewhat even footing, it may confirm these codes and the movesets are working to bring them in to balance.


Lower Midcard
Jan 12, 2013
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kylos1987 said:
Yeah I noticed the game is strange with which body parts work on a submission when I read that the Sharpshooter needs focus on the legs.

In the spreadsheet it says the base code for the Figure Four (2) is 802F3BCC. Does it change to 802F3BE1 because it's a special???

I looked up the values for the submissions (all during the second part) I mentioned, so they are the following:

Figure Four: Damage 2. Atk Body Part = Legs / Def Body Part = Legs -- Legs Damage = 2 / Speed Damage = 2
Crossface: Damage 3. Atk Body Part = Arms / Def Body Part = Head -- Head Damage = 2 / Arm Damage = 1
Irish Whip Crossface: Damage 2. Atk Body Part = Arms / Def Body Part = Head -- Head Damage = 2 / Arm Damage = 1
Sharpshooter: Damage 2. Atk Body Part = Body / Def Body Part = Legs -- Body Damage = 2 / Leg Damage = 1 / Speed Damage = 1
Walls of Jericho: Damage 3. Atk Body Part = Body / Def Body Part = Body -- Body Damage = 3 / Leg Damage = 1 / Speed Damage = 1
Mandible Claw: Damage 2. Atk Body Part = Arms / Def Body Part = Head -- Head Damage = 4

Some observations:

1) The Mandible Claw is pretty much as strong as it can be, although it would still be nice to bump it up a notch.

2) The ground Crossface and Irish Whip Crossface do not have the same initial damage value, but the main thing is they have the same everything else.
Daniel Bryan tends to favour the Irish Whip Crossface because of the AI, but it can also do the ground one sometimes, so he's going to need both of these

3) The Sharpshooter is soooooo weak! I thought that was the case. It is using legs as the submission target, but the value is set to 1. This makes it really
difficult for a CAW like a Bret Hart or a Sting (if someone used him) to make someone tap out to this move.

4) Walls of Jericho is the second strongest submission here. The body is the main target for so many moves, so it isn't difficult for Chris Jericho to target
this, unlike Flair or Hart with the legs. The head is a little annoying to target too, because you need a lot of sleeper holds, piledrivers and the like.

These are the addresses for the other submissions. They are all specials, so I am assuming they do not need any changes?

Crippler Ground: 802F8DC8
Cripple Irish: 802EB3D0
Sharpshooter: 802F8F0C
Walls of Jericho: 802F8FE4
Mandible Claw: 802E8D24

Edit: With this code, Ric Flair's Figure Four Special is way more dangerous. After one application, either it makes the opponent hold their leg in pain, or it makes them tap out. WOOOO!

D115AF50 0A05
802F3BE1 0005
D115B2A8 0A05
802F88F1 0005
D115B600 0A05
802FD601 0005
D115B958 0A05
80302311 0005


So I figured the base codes are just basic and should not be used. Instead, I have gone to the game generator and will test the following:

Crippler Ground

D115AF50 0A06
802F8DDA 0005
D115B2A8 0A06
802FDAEA 0005
D115B600 0A06
803027FA 0005
D115B958 0A06
8030750A 0005

Crippler Irish

D115AF50 0A06
802EB3E2 0005
D115B2A8 0A06
802F00F2 0005
D115B600 0A06
802F4E02 0005
D115B958 0A06
802F9B12 0005


D115AF50 0A07
802F8F21 0005
D115B2A8 0A07
802FDC31 0005
D115B600 0A07
80302941 0005
D115B958 0A07
80307651 0005

Walls of Jericho

D115AF50 0A10
802F8FF7 0005
D115B2A8 0A10
802FDD07 0005
D115B600 0A10
80302A17 0005
D115B958 0A10
80307727 0005

Mandible Claw

D115AF50 0A0F
802E8D36 0005
D115B2A8 0A0F
802EDA46 0005
D115B600 0A0F
802F2756 0005
D115B958 0A0F
802F7466 0005

Edit3: Ok after trying all these I'm not so sure now. Bret's Sharpshooter doesn't feel any stronger than before. It could just be me though. Daniel Bryan's Crossface isn't working all that good,
but I think it's because he needs his moveset tweaked as he hurts the arm more than the head. I'll mess around with movesets some more to see what they can do. I do have two opponents
who are the benchmark, so if they can be on a somewhat even footing, it may confirm these codes and the movesets are working to bring them in to balance.

802F3BCC is the base address for the figure four (2); the address in the first column is the first in the long series of addresses for that move, and depending on which move attribute you're editing, you would add some offset to that base value to determine the address you want.  802F3BE1 is the legs damage for figure four (2).  Whether something is a special or not is only relevant if you're editing the in-match move damage (in the Game Cheat Generator, that's the "Player Properties:Move Damage" category), but it wouldn't be relevant if you're editing the universal move damage for that move.

It looks like your codes are combining multiple things.  If you're editing the universal move damage, you don't need to add the character-specific condition (e.g., D115AF50 0A05).  You would only need to do that for in-match move damage codes.  That might be why things aren't working.  If you want to check that your code does what it's supposed to, look up the corresponding in-match move damage address in the memory editor (assuming that you're using Project 64) during a match and check that it's the value you want it to be.  So for example, if P1 is Bret Hart, go to 800ACBE9 (the legs damage of P1's lower body facing up special) during a match and verify that it's 05. 

There's also a way to use the Irish Whip Crossface as a standing grapple.  There was code made by wwefan4life2 that replaces the Butterfly Lock with the Crossface:
D114DB34 4D65
810446C4 0514
D314DB34 4D65
810446C4 0D9A
Alternatively, if you want to keep the Butterfly Lock (the above code would mean that no one else could use the Butterfly Lock), I made a modification of that code that will instead replace the "< Empty Weak Front Slot B 1 >" (which you can give someone if you use the Moveset Editor) with the Crossface:
D114DB34 4D65
81045554 0514
D314DB34 4D65
81045554 0D9A


Young Lion
Dec 7, 2020
Reaction score

With or without the activators, this is what comes up on the second phase of the Sharpshooter with Bret Hart as P1 (I assume I don't need to control it?). The AI did it with "Always Specials" code on.
I cannot see 05 anywhere near this code, so I'm assuming it isn't working for some reason. Doesn't seem to matter when I do this, it keeps coming up with the same, so something is off here with the way I am doing it?

I'll look in to the butterfly lock thing. I kinda like Daniel Bryan having that kicking combination as it's like a more brutal version of the "Yes Kicks" and makes him unique in the way he goes
for three different finishers (two the same but different stances). It's a great recommendation though.

Edit1: This is strange because I know it has worked before. So I press F9, go to Debugger > Memory > View.... > Paste in 800ACBE9


Lower Midcard
Jan 12, 2013
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kylos1987 said:

With or without the activators, this is what comes up on the second phase of the Sharpshooter with Bret Hart as P1 (I assume I don't need to control it?). The AI did it with "Always Specials" code on.
I cannot see 05 anywhere near this code, so I'm assuming it isn't working for some reason. Doesn't seem to matter when I do this, it keeps coming up with the same, so something is off here with the way I am doing it?

I'll look in to the butterfly lock thing. I kinda like Daniel Bryan having that kicking combination as it's like a more brutal version of the "Yes Kicks" and makes him unique in the way he goes
for three different finishers (two the same but different stances). It's a great recommendation though.

Edit1: This is strange because I know it has worked before. So I press F9, go to Debugger > Memory > View.... > Paste in 800ACBE9

Is the code you're using for the Sharpshooter 802F8F21 0005 (without activators)?


Young Lion
Dec 7, 2020
Reaction score
Still had the other code in there; not the activators but the other three lines. Took them out and it's still the same, did a complete reset and everything.
I'm getting the same numbers no matter where I press the gameshark button, so maybe something is wrong? Like the way my emulator is set up, or the address?


Lower Midcard
Jan 12, 2013
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kylos1987 said:
Still had the other code in there; not the activators but the other three lines. Took them out and it's still the same, did a complete reset and everything.
I'm getting the same numbers no matter where I press the gameshark button, so maybe something is wrong? Like the way my emulator is set up, or the address?

Oh, wait, nevermind.  800ACBE9 would have the value for part 1 of the Sharpshooter.  So ignore what I said earlier about checking that value.  I'm not sure what the in-match address would be for part 2 of the special.


Young Lion
Dec 7, 2020
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Aww damn, that's a shame. Is there any other way to test it? Aside from someone else trying it out other than me? Would be sweet to figure out how to boost these submissions without going all the way with the typical "Easy Submissions" code.


Lower Midcard
Jan 12, 2013
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kylos1987 said:
Aww damn, that's a shame. Is there any other way to test it? Aside from someone else trying it out other than me? Would be sweet to figure out how to boost these submissions without going all the way with the typical "Easy Submissions" code.

I don't know off the top of my head how to find the address for part 2, but you could always go to player 2's body part health addresses and see how fast they decrease while the move is applied.  Assuming that the body damage is still 02, the legs health should be decreasing faster than the body health.  (You can see those addresses in the Game Cheat Generator under "Player Properties").


Young Lion
Dec 7, 2020
Reaction score
Gah, so frustrating. I tried doing what you suggested as player 1, looking at the body or legs health under player properties. These codes are: 8115B178 and 8115B180

Every time I put these codes in to the editor it immediately crashes the emulator. If I try to scroll down to these addresses manually it crashes. I do not have many codes on while doing this, so I'm pretty stumped. I either have to assume it works and carry on balancing, or try another method. Think I'm just going to keep rope breaks off and try balance the moves as they are, because there is no absolute confirmation these codes work to boost submission strength in the moves second phases.


Lower Midcard
Jan 12, 2013
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kylos1987 said:
Gah, so frustrating. I tried doing what you suggested as player 1, looking at the body or legs health under player properties. These codes are: 8115B178 and 8115B180

Every time I put these codes in to the editor it immediately crashes the emulator. If I try to scroll down to these addresses manually it crashes. I do not have many codes on while doing this, so I'm pretty stumped. I either have to assume it works and carry on balancing, or try another method. Think I'm just going to keep rope breaks off and try balance the moves as they are, because there is no absolute confirmation these codes work to boost submission strength in the moves second phases.

You have to put the 80 prefixes into the memory editor.  So 8015B178 and 8015B180.  The 81 prefix used in codes just indicates the length of the address. The value would be four digits long and would be that address and the one after, so the body health is in 8015B178 and 8015B179, and the legs health would be in 8015B180 and 8015B181.  Remember also that these are player 1's addresses; if player 2 is the one receiving the Sharpshooter, then look up 8015B4D0 and 8015B4D8.


Young Lion
Dec 7, 2020
Reaction score
Ahh that works! And it seems to be working like a treat. I can see the leg damage going down considerably compared to body damage, which means I can shorten all these codes and get them all to work. Toooo Sweeeet! Thanks for all the help man.


Lower Midcard
Jan 12, 2013
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Great! I'm glad to hear that it's working.

One additional note: When WldFb would make universal move damage codes, he would always have the activator "D12E641A 0A02" before each line. I think the reason for that is that that activator makes sure that the move damage values are currently in memory. Some addresses get reused in different parts of the system, so the same address that's used for one purpose, say, during matches, may be used for another purpose when in the Smackdown Mall or in menus, and it's possible to mess something up if a code is active all the time. For example, I've had codes on that didn't have activators, and they created random weird side effects, like changing someone's name or disabling the mempak screen.


Young Lion
Dec 7, 2020
Reaction score
That makes sense. I have a cheat for each move, so at the moment there is only one line of code for each, so I shall add D12E641A 0??? with the appropriate character code to make sure this doesn't happen, lol. Cheers.


Lower Midcard
Jan 12, 2013
Reaction score
kylos1987 said:
That makes sense. I have a cheat for each move, so at the moment there is only one line of code for each, so I shall add D12E641A 0??? with the appropriate character code to make sure this doesn't happen, lol. Cheers.
No, the D12E641A isn't related to a character.  Remember that since this is universal move damage, the codes are already in effect before the match begins, so there wouldn't be anything character-specific.

WldFb was using D12E641A 0A02 for every universal move damage code.  What that activator literally means isn't that important; just that it works.


Young Lion
Dec 7, 2020
Reaction score
Ohhhh, thanks for clearing that up. The 0A02 thing made it look that way. Forgive me for my complete naivety, lol