Yeah I noticed the game is strange with which body parts work on a submission when I read that the Sharpshooter needs focus on the legs.
In the spreadsheet it says the base code for the Figure Four (2) is 802F3BCC. Does it change to 802F3BE1 because it's a special???
I looked up the values for the submissions (all during the second part) I mentioned, so they are the following:
Figure Four: Damage 2. Atk Body Part = Legs / Def Body Part = Legs -- Legs Damage = 2 / Speed Damage = 2
Crossface: Damage 3. Atk Body Part = Arms / Def Body Part = Head -- Head Damage = 2 / Arm Damage = 1
Irish Whip Crossface: Damage 2. Atk Body Part = Arms / Def Body Part = Head -- Head Damage = 2 / Arm Damage = 1
Sharpshooter: Damage 2. Atk Body Part = Body / Def Body Part = Legs -- Body Damage = 2 / Leg Damage = 1 / Speed Damage = 1
Walls of Jericho: Damage 3. Atk Body Part = Body / Def Body Part = Body -- Body Damage = 3 / Leg Damage = 1 / Speed Damage = 1
Mandible Claw: Damage 2. Atk Body Part = Arms / Def Body Part = Head -- Head Damage = 4
Some observations:
1) The Mandible Claw is pretty much as strong as it can be, although it would still be nice to bump it up a notch.
2) The ground Crossface and Irish Whip Crossface do not have the same initial damage value, but the main thing is they have the same everything else.
Daniel Bryan tends to favour the Irish Whip Crossface because of the AI, but it can also do the ground one sometimes, so he's going to need both of these
3) The Sharpshooter is soooooo weak! I thought that was the case. It is using legs as the submission target, but the value is set to 1. This makes it really
difficult for a CAW like a Bret Hart or a Sting (if someone used him) to make someone tap out to this move.
4) Walls of Jericho is the second strongest submission here. The body is the main target for so many moves, so it isn't difficult for Chris Jericho to target
this, unlike Flair or Hart with the legs. The head is a little annoying to target too, because you need a lot of sleeper holds, piledrivers and the like.
These are the addresses for the other submissions. They are all specials, so I am assuming they do not need any changes?
Crippler Ground: 802F8DC8
Cripple Irish: 802EB3D0
Sharpshooter: 802F8F0C
Walls of Jericho: 802F8FE4
Mandible Claw: 802E8D24
Edit: With this code, Ric Flair's Figure Four Special is way more dangerous. After one application, either it makes the opponent hold their leg in pain, or it makes them tap out. WOOOO!
D115AF50 0A05
802F3BE1 0005
D115B2A8 0A05
802F88F1 0005
D115B600 0A05
802FD601 0005
D115B958 0A05
80302311 0005
So I figured the base codes are just basic and should not be used. Instead, I have gone to the game generator and will test the following:
Crippler Ground
D115AF50 0A06
802F8DDA 0005
D115B2A8 0A06
802FDAEA 0005
D115B600 0A06
803027FA 0005
D115B958 0A06
8030750A 0005
Crippler Irish
D115AF50 0A06
802EB3E2 0005
D115B2A8 0A06
802F00F2 0005
D115B600 0A06
802F4E02 0005
D115B958 0A06
802F9B12 0005
D115AF50 0A07
802F8F21 0005
D115B2A8 0A07
802FDC31 0005
D115B600 0A07
80302941 0005
D115B958 0A07
80307651 0005
Walls of Jericho
D115AF50 0A10
802F8FF7 0005
D115B2A8 0A10
802FDD07 0005
D115B600 0A10
80302A17 0005
D115B958 0A10
80307727 0005
Mandible Claw
D115AF50 0A0F
802E8D36 0005
D115B2A8 0A0F
802EDA46 0005
D115B600 0A0F
802F2756 0005
D115B958 0A0F
802F7466 0005
Edit3: Ok after trying all these I'm not so sure now. Bret's Sharpshooter doesn't feel any stronger than before. It could just be me though. Daniel Bryan's Crossface isn't working all that good,
but I think it's because he needs his moveset tweaked as he hurts the arm more than the head. I'll mess around with movesets some more to see what they can do. I do have two opponents
who are the benchmark, so if they can be on a somewhat even footing, it may confirm these codes and the movesets are working to bring them in to balance.