Try this version im not sure why the cht data isnt showing up this is link should fine
~ Part 3 - Adding One Additional Attire + Polys & Textures ~
Alrighty Here we go, To quote Rick Rude ' Last verse same as the first only a whole lot rowdier and a whole lot worse '...
Made this for a Harley Race mod.. Like alot of the legends he wore trunks that came up on to the stomach and lower back
Obviously if your texturing this can be mimicked BUT with this code you won't have to dump textures that aren't necessary.
8104C024 1826
8104C026 1826
[Adds Rikishi's...
~ Contents ~
- Part 1: Basic Texture Swapping
- Part 2: Basic Poly Swapping
~ Brief Overview ~
In this guide i will attempt to cover all aspects to how to create a brand new...
- WCW 'Feel The BANG!' v1.1 -
FTB v1.1 is available now FOR FREE!!
* Initial Release Date: March 26th 2019
*Release Date: May 13th 2019
* Official Release Site:
* Original...