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  1. TSK

    [Closed] TSK's Mods & Previews. [PS2]

    That's Baal666's mod. For the body, I used this ref. pic:
  2. TSK

    [Closed] TSK's Mods & Previews. [PS2]

    Thanks Steve, hasa, 80las, The Best, Omar punk 2 and Undertaker Fan! :) Here's Alberto Del Rio:
  3. TSK

    [Closed] Jeff Hardy

    Love it! Really one of your best mods in No Mercy!
  4. TSK

    [Closed] ****DLC 7: Smacktalks**** Released!

    Great man! Was waiting from a long time!
  5. TSK

    [Closed] TSK's Mods & Previews. [PS2]

    Thanks Steve. Here are the in-game screen-shots:
  6. TSK

    [Closed] TSK's Mods & Previews. [PS2]

    Thanks 80las, ryokudou, omar punk 2, waleedgaber 619, Aryan! Here's an update for Booker. (WWE'13 Attire) The pants aren't flat, they look great in-game. I'll show the in-game screens in few hours. :) Released at the first post.
  7. TSK

    [Closed] Hall Of SvR Modders

    Thanks a LOT for updating this, Reverend!
  8. TSK

    PWG: All Star Save X

    Looking good, man! It really turned out, well!
  9. TSK

    Showdown 64

    Loving it!
  10. TSK

    [Closed] TSK's Mods & Previews. [PS2]

    I've updated it. :) (Re-released it at the first post)
  11. TSK

    [Closed] SvR 11 Importer v2

    You must create the texture archive the same name as the original slot. (Here, the name of your texture archive must be '0A.pac')
  12. TSK

    [Closed] Aryan Texture Collection Good News

    @Steve: The arm is not a problem at all, it's just because of the lightning. Very good mods, Aryan.
  13. TSK

    [Closed] TSK's Mods & Previews. [PS2]

    Till the time Ambrose being worked on, here's Booker T. (Released)
  14. TSK

    comec off teh dae

    welcme mr gayson :) it iz verri nies 2 met u nou fak eff
  15. TSK

    [Closed] WWE Road to Wrestlemania XXX patch Released

    Yeah, you've not shown us all the models, so I guess you'll use some realistic stuff in future.
  16. TSK

    PWG: All Star Save X

    Looking really good!
  17. TSK

    [Closed] Edge

    Looks fine, I mean, great! Even the body. Good job on this, Arbab!
  18. TSK

    help me, im stuck in importing models. please help!

    Don't rename PLISTPSP.arc.
  19. TSK

    [Closed] WWE Road to Wrestlemania XXX patch Released

    The mod is going well, bro. Just sad that you use such un-realistic textures...
  20. TSK

    plzz help dat editor

    Use advanced renamer and rename all the .unpacked files to .bpe extension. Use expert tools to rebuilt. (Change the header in the plistps2.arc using HxD Hex editor)