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  1. treefrog

    Impartial Reasoning

    I'm very reasonable and I can see what you're saying. My thread topic did sound a bit confrontational although I didn't intend for it to be aggresive but I did want to express some feeling of frustration. Long windedness does cause unread posts. I posted in a topic twice not sure why the other...
  2. treefrog

    Impartial Reasoning

    I want to explore the idea of impartial reasoning or as close to that as a person come come anyway. We have to work within human boundries afterall right? So discussion of a how a person cannot be 100% impartial is of no use and silly to discuss. I think with logic and reason and I let it...
  3. treefrog

    TNA Gutcheck (they messed up)

    All righty since I'm not allowed to post in someone else's thread I'll make my own. Yeah,yeah I know this isn't a democracy but members are allowed to express opinions right? Besides it makes no sense to not let others express their own mind. It's childish to say no, no it's mine all mine and...
  4. treefrog

    Bruno Sammartino Community project

    I'll give this a shot. I can't make anything fantastic but a no pressure situation is ideal and I see it as for fun and practice.
  5. treefrog

    Old school crowd add-on.

    I hope this isn't bumping an old topic. I assume it's not because nearly every topic in this section is old. I thought I had grabbed this but I maybe I missed it. I hate to miss out on something made by Orson, FTW JME and the others as it always great stuff. Anything to do with Iccotracs mod...
  6. treefrog

    Backstage News on Bruno Sammartino's WWE Hall of Fame Induction, How Triple H Changed His Mind, Mor

    I'm glad Bruno is finally in. The WWE HOF is a joke and consists of whoever is on good terms with Vince but still it needs the legit legends who should be in - in. Bruno had a problem with the way WWF was being run. Too vulgar, and cartoony not family friendly. Even in present I suspect Bruno...
  7. treefrog

    Community Project?

    <blockquote class='quote\\_blockquote'><dl><dt>FAT NEWS LADY</dt><dd>Feb 3 2013, 02:59:00 PM</dd></dl><div>I wish I could do that. Do what? Be fixated on what could have been improved or make a wrestler? Mine is nothing special but I don't think it's horrible for a person who's never done this...
  8. treefrog

    Community Project?

    Okay, this will be my final version. I wanted to fix my frog on the red guy because I couldn't let it go in my mind. The arm was a bit off on one side and the frog wasn't centered but neither was the original pic I got for the outline from so I didn't think about it. It's now centered and both...
  9. treefrog

    WCW\nWo - HalloWeen HaVoc

    Very nice thanks for the download
  10. treefrog

    Community Project?

    Looks like this project has hit a wall. That's okay, I learned some stuff and it was kind of fun but frustrating trying to get anything right. My frogman can be a legendary character improved upon by others and put in random games and all will wonder where and why this started in the first place.
  11. treefrog

    Community Project?

    AH, I'll fix it. I fixed it, my first post now has modded textures, mempack, and a list of the attires I used before I modified them Wanted to mention I put a black frog on both sides of each boot for the red guy. I didn't make the boot but I thought it was a nice touch. Pics don't show it...
  12. treefrog

    Community Project?

    Finally done! This is my completed project guy. Could have made some tweaks but I want to get this over with. Frog arm on chest for my attire 1 guy is a little off but oh well. I scrapped my first guy and made this new attire 1 guy. I thought it was unique. Pretty much the best I could do unless...
  13. treefrog

    Community Project?

    Thanks, I had to fix the pics I posted. I repeated one or two of them but it's fixed now.
  14. treefrog

    Community Project?

    I changed 2 of my guys. After looking at them the blue guy and the orange guy looked like blobs of color thrown at a blank canvas and hoping for the best. So I changed them and I think this is much better. I'll only make a few more changes to these guys. The orange guy might try to put the "F"...
  15. treefrog

    "War Zone: WWF Attitude - By Victor (Released)

    Thanks for this! I'll be checking it out sometime this week.
  16. treefrog

    [Closed] Taking mod requests

    Ox Baker, I'd still like to see someone make him. The mustache might be a challenge though.
  17. treefrog

    Community Project?

    Hmm, a limit of ten? Here's the last guy. Wanted to add the orange stripe mask lines appear and disapear as the wrestler is breathing or whatever it is they are doing on the choose a wrestler screen. I thought that looked cool and along with the red eyes it looks spooky. Attachments...
  18. treefrog

    Community Project?

    Here's my guy Treefrog with four outfits. I just used Paint because I have used it before. I tried to sort of capture the colors of different frogs in each guy. Probably don't looks much like frogs. They certainly look like some random guy having fun with Paint. The yellow mask, green outfit...
  19. treefrog

    [Closed] Big Daddy Hacked

    Looks great didn't think I'd see anyone make Big Daddy. If you ever make Giant Haystacks a classic match-up can be made (not a request).
  20. treefrog

    O.S.R custom Arena.

    The arena looks great! I apprecaite the time & effort you put into doing this.