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  1. marillmau5

    Edit All code

    i dont get it didnt this already exist?
  2. marillmau5

    Discussion: VPW2 - NJPW VS WWE Idea (Aki Style)

    Can you post the top 16 njpw wrestlers todayj? would there be any wrestlers left out where it would be not worth doing 16 slots only. note tag teams can take one slot but they have to be worth it. So 16 slots for, NJPW, WWE, CMLL/AAA(With lucha underground) and legacy promotions like WCW/nWo...
  3. marillmau5

    Discussion: VPW2 - NJPW VS WWE Idea (Aki Style)

    Thanks I know its not much to go on, i just wanted to make Ishii as a test to see if its worth to keep going on. Please post a proposed all stars 2 roster list. I think a good idea would be to do like an open world tour G1 Climax Save. where each promotion can only enter 8 wrestlers. So NJPW...
  4. marillmau5

    Discussion: VPW2 - NJPW VS WWE Idea (Aki Style)

    Larger Image This first image is a test and if everyone likes it I can go on making other wrestlers in this style. Tomohiro Ishii Reference Pics: I recently tried Shnsuke Nakamura and everone seemed to like it so i decided ill start this new project NJPW vs WWE: Night of Champions. Just...
  5. marillmau5

    Found some potentially "new" lost codes and values

    well I'm going to try it later but instead of hacking the ring Matt to have logos by stretching it and everything maybe you could just use the texture values to change the ring Matt to a t-shirt so at least you could change the color of the Ring mat. and each ring could have its own unique...
  6. marillmau5

    Found some potentially "new" lost codes and values

    no i tried it using the job squad texture as a test, its 64 x 64. Using the stretch ringmat code works but only during matches, not entrances. i guess i'll use this for now as we see if SK styles can update it for entrances too.
  7. marillmau5

    Found some potentially "new" lost codes and values

    for me the best find is the ring mat addresses, that way each arena can have its own mat and they dont all have to be the same. I guess all you have to do is change the texture address to a shirt which is 64 x 64 and double it and use that as the new ring mat.
  8. marillmau5

    Found some potentially "new" lost codes and values

    theres more codes just download this the link to Aj's VPW Junk was discussed in the virtual pro sub and within that website this file which is golden for you to hack. what im doing is going through the files and trying to use the way...
  9. marillmau5

    Found some potentially "new" lost codes and values

    digging around in the way back machine, hopefully theres more sites i'll find. wrestling2100 n64andwwfrule (seems to have the same codes as the link above)...
  10. marillmau5

    VPW2 Codes and Requests

    Hello, I saw the AJPW and Noah Ring addon, I was wondering Can you adjust the code where each arena has its own one unique texture for the ring and apron. i'd like to make each venue unique instead of using the c-stick to switch. trying to have, nitro, raw, house show, wrestlemania and souled out
  11. marillmau5

    WWF2K !!! ONE LAST TIME !!!

    oh good to know its still seen as a woman caw slot i was always wondering. you guys should just add some female wrestlers over those slots.
  12. marillmau5

    WWF2K !!! ONE LAST TIME !!!

    im very ibterested in what caw swap the original wrwstlers mean
  13. marillmau5

    VPW2 and WM2000 Intro music out of sync

    What can i do to fix the audio sync issue, please make sures yours is in sync if you give any suggestions first. I tried having the game sync with audio but the intro and music are still out of sync.
  14. marillmau5

    Strategic Balance (AI setting)

    youre right but when it comes to mid and low carders i think they used defensive in a strategic way to help out the lower ranked wrestlers.
  15. marillmau5

    Strategic Balance (AI setting)

    i just want to point out some of the values of the edit ai are blanked out in wm2000 but if you go to vpw2 english rom and check the ai, its the same exact layout with the correct values and i crossed checked the values over to wm2000 blank ones and they seem correct.
  16. marillmau5

    Resource: Simple Background Tool

    cool I used to do this manually took a long time to figure it out in the first place.
  17. marillmau5

    WM2000: Light Heavyweight Belt

    actually double checking if you win the smoking skull belt then this code doesnt work anymore. im guessing because this utilizes that hidden spot reserved for the smoking skull even though its up top and the lightweight is at the bottom. so now having ths smoking skull theres no more spots open...
  18. marillmau5

    WCW vs NWO World Tour/ VPR2 Textures Request

    ill help, pm a list and from which game vpw or vpw2 or revenge
  19. marillmau5

    Dake Ken STO?

    I forgot that some moves arent correct. ah well the best i can do it watch like 4 of their best matches and use that to make their moveset along with the original game moves as a template. we should get a list of revenge/Wm2000/Vpw/vpw2 wrestlers that have a wrong or innacurate moveset.
  20. marillmau5

    KWG's Moveset Hacking for Dummies

    KWG (edit wrestlers movest) and SK Styles (additional wrestlers) best tag team ever