Ban Announcements


Main Eventer
Jul 18, 2011
Reaction score
I agree with 80las, give him a second chance just put a zero tolerance policy for him, no warn or anything like that, at the first misstep ban him again. Maybe it will force him to think before arguing again.


Apr 19, 2014
Reaction score
i know i am new here but hasa helped me so much since i arrived here so i think you should give him a second chance
i mean every body makes mistakes right ?

The Aughat

Main Eventer
Aug 11, 2013
Reaction score
Another chance would be good.
His English is bad, but his mods are great.


Upper Midcard
Dec 12, 2011
Reaction score
Hmmm....a few suggestions for rules. I've been on this Canadian Gaming forum and it's been great. Nobody bickers with each other at all, partially due to the moderation, and partially due to the well written rules.

I'll just copy and paste them;
<blockquote class='quote\\_blockquote'><dl><dt>Quote:</dt><dd> </dd></dl><div>Mean what you say, and say what you mean.

If you need an excuse to say something, then it's not worth saying. This includes "I had to", "someone had to do it", "it needed to happen", and any wording where you're trying to play off an action or phrase. Nobody's putting a gun to your head. If you do something, stand up and own it.

Antagonistic patterns
Apologies are awesome when they carry some weight. Nothing is quite as character building as making mistakes and learning from them. That being said, use common sense, read the rules and be in the know before you start posting. If you show a blatant disregard for the rules, intentionally skirting and baiting with your conduct, or facetiously apologizing to get off the hook, it won't fly.

Baseless claims
If you plan to make claims, be prepared to support those claims should a mod or admin request it. Requests will be private unless otherwise necessary.[/quote]
<blockquote class='quote\\_blockquote'><dl><dt>Quote:</dt><dd> </dd></dl><div>

Sometimes, groups of people just want to fight, attack and turn off all sensibility to be part of the mass. Let's not.


Antagonizing agendas, hijacks and derails
Some people feel the need to infuse topics with their own personal vendettas, martyrdom or crusades, consequentially derailing and ruining discussions. Hijacking threads for personal reasons earns an infraction. Agendas which are destructive to the community and antagonistic, or constantly berating others from their high horse without provocation, warrants a ban.

Witch hunts
If you find a reason to dislike or not support something, do what's right for you. Sharing that opinion and information with others shows another perspective and contributes positively. Organized efforts to slander, attack, or negatively affect a person, place or thing, are a witch hunt and unacceptable. They stem too often from misinformation, hearsay, emotional manipulation, and are purely negative and divisive.

Equal to witch hunts, targeting a community, website, service or event.


The opposite of the above, where a person or group positively supports a cause, person, situation, or product. Murder by bear hug doesn't count.

A second exception is if an admin gives their support. In that case, there's official backing and cause for considering, as opposed to flagrant assaults.

<blockquote class='quote\\_blockquote'><dl><dt>Quote:</dt><dd> </dd></dl><div>Respect is a major facet of this community. Baiting, character attacks, and passive aggressiveness do not qualify.

Laying a trap so that others get infracted for bullying? Don't. Pushing someone's buttons to illicit a reaction? Watch yourself. Backseat modding? Nope. Poking at mods to goad a reaction? HELL no. Intentionally baiting the community to get flames? Case by case what qualifies. Keep your wits about you and don't take the piss. Provoking a character attack intentionally is an infraction.

Character attacks
Personal attacks are already covered in another rule. This covers both personal AND member attacks. Slandering someone for liking a game you don't, a band you don't, or anything not of your approval, is childish and pedestrian. This isn't a schoolyard and bullies aren't tolerated.

Passive aggressive fronting
While this could be passive aggressive behaviour on a whole, fronting is a good term for it. If you have something to say, prove, share, claim or otherwise, be direct and be real. Sideswiping, potshots, and other bitter, cowardly trash doesn't get anywhere, so quit it.[/quote]

<blockquote class='quote\\_blockquote'><dl><dt>Quote:</dt><dd> </dd></dl><div>English, motherfucker, do you speak it?
For the majority of this community, English is the main language that is used. Please try to speak using it, otherwise you'll run into a LOT of issues communicating with everyone else. Exceptions to the rule are topics devoted to sub-groups with other native languages appropriate to their subject.

Lower your voice, we can hear you fine. Lower your hand, John, we can see you.

Catch all word usage
Some people like to use words, gay in particular, to describe anything negative. Even if this WASN'T offensive, it still makes you look like an uneducated tool. Use words that are correct for the situation. If you don't know any, check a thesaurus, dictionary, or learn more of the language.

Disrespectful words
Some words, in particular those referring to people's race, ethnicity, sexuality, gender, state or otherwise, can be extremely offensive and inflammatory, but more importantly, they're blatantly disrespectful. Using them has no place in common discourse.

Claiming ownership of terms
Equally so, if you are any of the related races, ethnicities, sexualities, genders, states or otherwise, you don't have an inherent right to use those words freely, especially due to the rules against making things personal. You're online, you don't have any of these classifications, so there's zero purpose in calling claim to them.


Swears are ok. Arcademy is completely fine with crass language, as long as it stays respectful and not directly attacking other members.

Disrespectful words are allowed when approved prior by an admin, in the case of topic creation that is applicable to the terminology, history pertaining to the terminology or surrounding culture, or other pre-approved situations.[/quote]

I can post more...but I feel this forum has a huge language barrier. People from all over want to try their hand at modding, and while I think that's great, people should also be committed to learning the language of the forum.

If anyone needs me to translate, I can understand Punjabi/Hindi/Urdu.[/spoiler]


Nov 11, 2013
Reaction score
i know this comment of mine wont appear at all.i request keson pls approve my comments. but i still say it anyway.give him another chance he helped me alot too.

The NekoMancer

Jun 17, 2011
Reaction score
I completely AGREE with Warrior. But I think none of the admins will want or have the time to write a full set of rules like that. Maybe you could ask whoever is in charge of that forum if those can be copy-pasted and applied in here, of course if the admins do accept.

Also, if Staff are looking for moderators i think Warrior would be a great choice. I think you don't like me too much, but i find you a quite polite person and someone who simply tells it like it is and not tries to offend on purpose.

Deleted User

Crowd Member
We have another thread explaining we don't have a desire for more staff at the time. ;)


Feb 7, 2011
Reaction score
Just to be clear guys, re-writing the rules has been an issue with staff for a while. I have re-written the rules to be clearer, but they kept being changed back to the open-ended version for 3 reasons:

1) My clearer version was deemed to be too long. There was concern that some members would not read them. They were 6 rules with a short explanation of what counts a breach for each of them.

2) No matter what rules we have, there is always some moron trying to debate loopholes. For one example, Keson once asked veteran members to stop insulting new members for asking beginner questions. He asked people to just ignore new members if they found them annoying. That may seem like obvious advice to you, but one member outright argued with Keson over it.

3) No matter what rules we have, there is always some moron trying to debate loopholes. No, I am not saying the same thing again. Members who broke rules tried to get warnings reversed based on twisting our words. By keeping the rules vague, it took away deniability.

Personally, I am up for a change in the rules. We have struggled finding a good balance, particularly as many of our new members don't speak English as a first language and are still in school.

@Warrior: Those rules are good, but there are members who definitely wouldn't understand some of it. One of the reasons why there is no bickering on that Canadian website is because most of the members are Canadian. Those guys make Switzerland look like a concentration camp.

@Raghu: Your restriction was only for a week, and it is almost over. Stop complaining.


Nov 11, 2013
Reaction score
no iam not complaining at all iam completely fine with it.sorry to bother u guys.

Deleted User

Crowd Member
Stop typing like that. Seriously, I hate reading that crap.

@ Rev: You're right, we need a balance between completely open-ended rules and extremely detailed rules.

And to the members who argue loopholes in the rules, they always forget the biggest one: OSR Staff have final say so.

This isn't a democracy, maybe when we start getting paid to be here we'll let people treat us like so.


Staff member
Feb 25, 2013
Reaction score
I know I don’t post a lot here but I thought I would give writing the rules out a crack:

be respectful to others :
treat members they way you would like to be treated

don't start fights with other members:
just because someone has a different opinion to yours does not, give you the right, to fight with them

do not start a argument over mod stealing:

if you think someone is using, yours or someone else’s mods with out permission please DO not start a argument over it, private message a admin and he or she will look into the matter

do not advertise your topic in the shout box:

posting a link to your topic in the shout box

talk, type and speak in English:

as this is a English speaking forum please, use the English language when on this forum,it does not need to be perfect, just comprehensible

don't do anything here you would not do at home or in public:

just because this is the internet it does not mean you can lose you decorum

admins have the final decision on matters:
do what the admins say

تكون محترمة للآخرين:
علاج أعضاء أنها الطريقة التي ترغب في أن يعامل

لا تبدأ معارك مع الأعضاء الآخرين:
لأن مجرد شخص لديه رأي مختلف للك لا، تعطيك الحق، لمحاربة معهم

لا بدء الجدل حول سرقة وزارة الدفاع:

إذا كنت تعتقد أن شخصا يستخدم، لك أو تعديل وشخص آخر بإذن من فضلك لا تبدأ حجة أكثر من ذلك، رسالة خاصة لمشرف وانه أو انها سوف ننظر في هذه المسألة

لا يعلنون الموضوع الخاص بك في مربع يصرخ:

نشر رابط على الموضوع الخاص بك في المربع يصرخ

الحديث، نوع والتحدث باللغة الإنجليزية:

لأن هذا هو منتدى يتحدث الانجليزية يرجى استخدام اللغة الإنجليزية عند على هذا المنتدى، فإنه لا يحتاج إلى أن يكون مثاليا، فقط مفهومة

لا تفعل أي شيء هنا انك لن القيام به في المنزل أو في الأماكن العامة:

فقط لأن هذا هو الانترنت وهذا لا يعني أنك يمكن أن تخسر اللياقة

مدراء دينا قرار نهائي بشأن المسائل:
تفعل ما يقول مدراء

เคารพคนอื่น ๆ :

ไม่ได้เริ่มต้นการต่อสู้กับสมาชิกอื่น ๆ

ไม่ได้เริ่มต้นการโต้แย้งไปขโมย mod:









दूसरों के लिए सम्मान होना:
वे जिस तरह से आप का इलाज होना चाहेंगे सदस्यों का इलाज

अन्य सदस्यों के साथ झगड़े शुरू नहीं करते:
किसी तुम्हारा को एक अलग राय है, सिर्फ इसलिए कि आप उन लोगों के साथ लड़ने के लिए सही नहीं देता

माड चोरी पर एक बहस शुरू नहीं है:

यदि आप किसी को, का उपयोग तुम्हारा या बाहर की अनुमति के साथ किसी और की mods निजी संदेश, इस पर एक व्यवस्थापक एक बहस शुरू नहीं करते कृपया और वह इस मामले पर गौर करेंगे है अगर आपको लगता है

चिल्लाओ बॉक्स में अपने विषय का विज्ञापन नहीं है:

चिल्लाओ बॉक्स में अपने विषय के लिए एक कड़ी पोस्टिंग

बात करते हैं, प्रकार और अंग्रेजी में बोलते हैं:

यह एक अंग्रेजी बोलने वाले मंच के रूप में है इस मंच पर, यह सिर्फ सुबोध, सही होने की जरूरत नहीं है, जब अंग्रेजी भाषा का इस्तेमाल करें

यदि आप घर पर या सार्वजनिक रूप से ऐसा नहीं होता यहां कुछ भी नहीं है:

यह इंटरनेट का है, सिर्फ इसलिए कि यह क्या आप मर्यादा खो सकते हैं मतलब यह नहीं है

व्यवस्थापक मामलों पर अंतिम निर्णय किया है:
व्यवस्थापक क्या कहना

להיות כבוד לאחרים:
טיפול בחברים שהם כמו שאתה רוצים שיתייחסו אליך

אל תתחילו מריבות עם חברים אחרים:
רק בגלל שמישהו יש דעה שונה לשלך לא, אתן לך את הזכות, כדי להילחם איתם

אל תתחיל ויכוח על גניבת mod:

אם אתה חושב שמישהו משתמש, שלך או של מישהו אחר אופנות ברשות מתוך נא לא להתחיל ויכוח על זה, הודעה פרטית admin והוא או היא תבדוק את הנושא

לא לפרסם את הנושא שלך בתיבה לצעוק:

פרסום קישור לנושא שלך בתיבה לצעוק

דיבורים, סוג ולדבר באנגלית:

כמו זה הוא פורום דוברי אנגלית בבקשה, להשתמש בשפה האנגלית, כאשר בפורום הזה, זה לא צריך להיות מושלם, בדיוק מובן

לא עושה שום דבר כאן שלא היית עושה בבית או בציבור:

רק בגלל שזה באינטרנט זה לא אומר שאתה יכול לאבד את צניעותך

יש מנהלים ההחלטה הסופית בנושאים:
לעשות את מה שהמנהלים אומרים

maging magalang sa iba:
ituturing ng mga miyembro nila paraan nais mong tratuhin

huwag simulan fights sa iba pang mga miyembro:
dahil lang sa isang tao ay may iba't ibang opinyon ng sa iyo ay hindi, nagbibigay sa iyo ang karapatan, upang labanan ang sa kanila

huwag magsimula ng isang argumento sa paglipas ng mod pagnanakaw:

kung sa tingin mo may isang taong ginagamit, ang sa iyo o Mods ng ibang tao na may out pahintulot mangyaring AY hindi magsimula ng isang argumento sa paglipas ng ito, pribadong mensahe isang admin at siya ang magiging hitsura sa bagay

huwag advertise ang iyong paksa sa sigaw box:

nagpo-post ng link sa iyong paksa sa sigaw box

talk, uri at makipag-usap sa wikang Ingles:

bilang na ito ay isang Ingles forum nagsasalita mangyaring, gamitin ang wikang Ingles kapag sa forum na ito, hindi nito kailangan maging perpekto, lamang maaaring maunawaan

huwag gumawa ng kahit ano dito hindi mo gusto gawin sa bahay o sa mga pampublikong:

dahil lang sa ito ang internet hindi ito ang ibig sabihin maaari mong mawala mo ang magandang kilos

mga admin mayroon ang panghuling pasya sa mga bagay:
gawin kung ano ang sinasabi ng mga admin


The NekoMancer

Jun 17, 2011
Reaction score
Keson said:
Stop typing like that. Seriously, I hate reading that crap.
This. Lol. You know, i feel this same way about reading some members' posts. I know it's not completely right and that english is not your mother language, but, please, at least show some improvement over time.

Some members, like for example hasa, seem to refuse to improve their english. It's not bad when you're starting here, but when it maintains over time, it kind of becomes annoying.

Undertaker Fan

Main Eventer
Nov 20, 2010
Reaction score
I was also very bad at English, but i have learned some proper English here. Hasa's English was very annoying lol.


Main Eventer
Apr 23, 2013
Reaction score
Well, instead of pointing out his shitty english, why not correct the guy? someone can go ahead and tell him to improve it, teach him some basic stuff, like use capital letters at the start of your sentence, add some punctuation and all that.

I say give hasa a second chance, he's a very talented modder, ban him if he starts flamming again simple as that.



Feb 7, 2011
Reaction score
Swifty said:
Well, instead of pointing out his shitty english, why not correct the guy? someone can go ahead and tell him to improve it, teach him some basic stuff, like use capital letters at the start of your sentence, add some punctuation and all that.
I sent him a PM offering this assistance some months ago.

KD Jackson.

Lower Midcard
May 14, 2014
Reaction score
I don't know about Hasa, but should get a chance.

Swifty: It isn't an easy job to teach, it takes time. As far as I know, people who don't speak english as their first language, try to pick up. You know that.

Reverend: I'd like to say sorry not only to you, even to Aryan for my lame joke on his "Ban the person above you" thread.

Also, since champion gamer posted some rules from other forums, I have some here. Maybe just wasting your time, but they're good.
1. You can have no more than one (1) account on the forums.
a) If you are unable to log in to an old account (that has not been banned) and use the password recovery function, it is acceptable to create a new one. After doing so, you must immediately request the administrators to merge both accounts.
b) Administrators might occasionally need "dummy" accounts to test certain things. This is acceptable under condition that those accounts are made known to the other staff members, at the very minimum to other admins.
c) An Administrator may permit a user to use an additional account for specific reasons. Such an account should not be used disruptively and be made known to other staff members, at the very minimum other admins.
d) Non-disruptive use / posession of multiple accounts beyond the situations outlined in points a) through c) will result in a warning and blocking all extra accounts beyond your main one.
e) Disruptive use of multiple accounts or continuing to create multiple accounts after receiving a warning will result in immediate ban of all your accounts - including the main one - regardless of your status or function.
2. If it's posted from your account, you're responsible for it.
3. Accounts created with intention of violating forum rules or circumventing an existing suspension/ban may be banned without prior notice.
a) If the first post done from an account constitutes of an unauthorized advertisement, the account will be banned immediately.

Forum conduct
1. Harassment, slander or verbal abuse of other members is not allowed. This includes:
a) Posting an individual's personal data, e-mail/messenger adresses or pictures of them against their will.
b) Impersonation of an existing user.
c) Discriminating other users or making derogatory comments towards them (whether sexual, racist, religious, political or otherwise)
2. Do not link to, offer or ask for warez, oldwarez or console ROMs. Do not link to warez sites.
a) If a game is marked on the main site as "Sold" or "ESA Protected", any download link for it is considered oldwarez.
b) Because of their nature, links to torrent files and BitTorrent sites also fall under this rule.
c) Offering or asking people to help in getting warez in return for money will result in an immediate ban.
d) All console ROMs are considered warez by default.
e) We will not offer any help in running pirate copies of recently published games (or cracks, serials, CD-Keys etc for them). Don't even ask for it.
3. Do not post offensive/violent/pornographic content, whether in form of links, images or otherwise.
a) This includes posting links to shock sites and posting images found there.
4. Don't swear. Excessive use of foul language may result in suspension or ban.
a) Swearing at other members qualifies as verbal abuse, as outlined above
5. Do not spam. This includes:
a) Posting questions or information that is completely off-topic in the given thread. Such posts will either be split or removed.
b) Posting multiple copies of the same post or thread, "bumping" topics or spamming to get other's attention. This is not a chatroom, so don't expect an immediate answer to your questions/ideas.
c) Posting messages that consist only of smileys/quotes. These may be removed at the moderators' discretion.
d) Posting advertisements or trade/employment offers without admin permission.

All rules concerning the forums apply in full to Chatbox.

Private Messaging
Do not use the PM feature for spam, harassment or warez talk.

* Signatures cannot contaim more than 5 lines of text, and only 2 lines of text if they contain a picture.
* Only one image can be present in a signature. Maximum limit for file size is 30 kb and for dimensions is 450x100 pixels.
* Avatars are limited to 30 kb file size and 100x100 pixels.
* No annoying, inapropriate or offensive content or context
* No advertising of sites similar to or competing with Abandonia
Any signatures or avatars in violation of these rules can be removed without prior notice.