No, you are banned because you said this to me:
<blockquote class='quote\\_blockquote'><dl><dt>Quote:</dt><dd> </dd></dl><div>Keson, you're a fucking pussy and an ass clown who thinks he can IP ban me when I can simply create a new one. LOL @ U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway, quit being a troll and quit banning me when all I want to do is play this fucking game... So fuck off you dickless twat. I'm pretty sure all the other members agree with me. We need to be like Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels and bury the hatchet in a public forum (like this one). So I say let's bygones be bygones. [/quote]
You don't get to flame people here and then get what you want. Read our rules, then after you've managed to get the brainpower to understand and follow them, then you can come back without getting banned.
But as long as you decide to flame me, oh hell yeah I'm gonna take great pleasure in banning your ass. I'm not obliged in the slightest to put up with that kind of shit and still be expected to create and release content. How you think you can talk like that to me and still somehow get to play my mod I have no clue. Grow up, grow a brain.
You were banned for breaking our rules, if you make an account and actually follow them, you won't be. However, creating a new account and then proceeding to flame me is the seriously beyond retarded. About as retarded as admitting you're a banned member who made a new account.
It takes less energy to ban you than it does to create a new account over and over. I'm just fine. I actually find it hilarious you tried to post in this thread like some sort of victim.