That is my save. Lots of credit to other folks, but I did a seriously large, LARGE amount of work on that game. I've done a bunch more stuff for it which I should upload, like updated original Tiger Mask, Great Sasuke in Randy the RAM gear, KENTA in current ring attire, and I redid one of the arena' crowds. Such a great game, and I love it. I am really happy your friend put the videos up so everyone can see what an amazing game it is. The worst part is putting blood in the game for the re-edits, which I think I almost completed, and some day I will have to tackle Muta' mist (various colours, UGH!), and Onita' fireball.
Hey guys, sorry to bump the old thread (the links to the game are still active) but a member asked me about settings for this game. For some reason mine duplicates the name tabs ever since my computer died and I had to update a few years back. It has somthing to do with the area where I have red question marks. Hopefully, it plays just fine for everyone else and this is just an issue I have. The plugin I used because you can do extremely large graphics (I cant recall how large, maybe 16x for the graphics that dont move, but it gives me a lot of graphic detail to play with). The only drawback is I cant seem to use any mods that S.K. Stylez (like multiple ring mats for arenas)makes to the game so it must have something to do with the plugin I am using. Here are my settings...