WWF Legends 2.1


Lower Midcard
Nov 2, 2010
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Outside of reading all of the Help files, I can only suggest reading back through a few pages in this thread to see if there is anything that might work to help your problem.


Young Lion
Jun 2, 2020
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Try as i might i followed the help files but still doesn't work, can anyone compile a full build of this, like pre-setup so no messing around with the files ?


Lower Midcard
Nov 2, 2010
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How far does it get? What does it look like?

Posting pics might help.


Young Lion
Jun 2, 2020
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Orson said:
How far does it get? What does it look like?

Posting pics might help.

It crashes before i get anything, otherwise i'd post pics, just instantly crashes, the emulator pops up for a second and then just crashes out


Lower Midcard
Nov 2, 2010
Reaction score
Bad start.

Have you tried any other projects from the No Mercy forums? If so, can you get those to work?


Young Lion
Jun 27, 2020
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Problem with unlockables. I'm doing one at a time, but if I used a save state did I make a mistake?


Lower Midcard
Nov 2, 2010
Reaction score
There aren't any unlockables in the Legends 2.1 Mod.


Young Lion
Jul 9, 2020
Reaction score

I am so glad I found this forum!

I am trying everything to get this working. I have tried understanding the jpg for installation and also the help files provided but I cannot work out which stuff should be going in which folders? I have been through all 25 pages of this debate and I still do not understand what files I need to put where? Can anybody help? I am desperate to play this game! Am I taking stuff from the base game folder and putting it a different folder?



Lower Midcard
Nov 2, 2010
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Hmm, I would only repeat what is shown in the diagram.

Just follow the arrows to see what should go inside each folder.

The hires_texture folder goes inside the Plugin folder, the WWF No Mercy folder goes inside the Plugin folder etc.
The Game Rom goes inside the Roms folder.
The Music folder goes inside the NMThing folder.

You need to check the Project 64 Options / Settings to make sure you have the Directories set correctly to the paths on your computer.


Young Lion
Jul 9, 2020
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Orson said:
Hmm, I would only repeat what is shown in the diagram.

Just follow the arrows to see what should go inside each folder.

The hires_texture folder goes inside the Plugin folder, the WWF No Mercy folder goes inside the Plugin folder etc.
The Game Rom goes inside the Roms folder.
The Music folder goes inside the NMThing folder.

You need to check the Project 64 Options / Settings to make sure you have the Directories set correctly to the paths on your computer.

Thank you for getting back to me - I think I am getting confused by things like the Base folder - am I taking bits out of there and putting them somewhere else? Or creating a new folder (called No Mercy, for example) and dropping those five folders into it and moving things around?)

I really do appreciate this help - I am desperate to play it!

Also (sorry)

Am I going across and down, so like Plug in with hi res in it, with No Mercy in it with Arenas in that and so on, all the way down to Superstars? Or am I creating a Plug in Folder, A hi res folder on the same level, a WWF No Mercy folder again on the same level? Does that make sense?

Does the cht file sit in the NMThing folder, which also contains a Project 64 exe file?

I give up :(

I don't see the options when I run settings on PJ1.6 like the screen shots, I think I have folders in folders that are now at the wrong level. I think I will have to abandon it. Thank you for the help though.


Lower Midcard
Nov 2, 2010
Reaction score
Follow the arrows....

Arenas, Menus, Misc, WWF Superstars... they are all textures. Those folders need to go inside the WWF No Mercy Folder.

The WWF No Mercy folder needs to go inside the hires_texture folder.

The Cheat file, the .exe, the NMThing folder, the Save folder, Roms folder, Plugin folder all need to be together in the Project 64 folder.

Also, think about the names...

The Rom goes in the Roms folder
The save file goes in the Save folder

As for the settings.....

Look in the Help Folder at the "Project 64 Settings" image. The picture at the top shows you the Options tab and Settings.

Set up all of the settings to match the images.
Just make sure that the Directory paths match your computer setup.

Also, check that File - Choose Rom Directory is set to your Rom folder location.


It might be worth playing the default No Mercy on a basic Project 64 without any mods installed to get used to how the emulator works before getting into Mods.
It can get way, way more complicated than where you are stuck at.


Young Lion
Jul 9, 2020
Reaction score
Orson said:
Follow the arrows....

Arenas, Menus, Misc, WWF Superstars... they are all textures. Those folders need to go inside the WWF No Mercy Folder.

The WWF No Mercy folder needs to go inside the hires_texture folder.

The Cheat file, the .exe, the NMThing folder, the Save folder, Roms folder, Plugin folder all need to be together in the Project 64 folder.

Also, think about the names...

The Rom goes in the Roms folder
The save file goes in the Save folder

As for the settings.....

Look in the Help Folder at the "Project 64 Settings" image. The picture at the top shows you the Options tab and Settings.

Set up all of the settings to match the images.
Just make sure that the Directory paths match your computer setup.

Also, check that File - Choose Rom Directory is set to your Rom folder location.


It might be worth playing the default No Mercy on a basic Project 64 without any mods installed to get used to how the emulator works before getting into Mods.
It can get way, way more complicated than where you are stuck at.   
Thank you - is there any way I can show you a picture of my folder set up to make sure I haven't put thing in the wrong place? So like I haven't doubled up on folders?

I looked at the settings picture and it seems to have way more options then when I start 1.6 or 2.3? I think I only have two tabs?

(Sorry for all the questions, I do appreciate the help)

Sorry trying to show pics



Lower Midcard
Nov 2, 2010
Reaction score
The Project 64 version you are using isn't version 1.6 that came with Legends 2.1, so it won't look or behave the same as described in the Settings diagrams.
You need to use the one that you downloaded with Legends 2.1.

I just downloaded the Base Game myself and everything is already in place where it should be. You don't need to change anything or create any folders.

All that is left to do is to add the textures and music, which come in the separate downloads.
You don't have to create any new folders for them at all. Just move them into the folders that already exist.

Put the music into the music folder
Put the textures into the hire_texture / WWF No Mercy folder

Don't replace or add anything else until you have it running and you are comfortable with how things work.

As long as you are using Project 64 1.6 (the one that comes with the download) it will look the same as the diagrams in the Help Folder, which you can then use to set up the emulator.


Young Lion
Jul 9, 2020
Reaction score
Hi Orson

So I didn't move anything except the textures and music into the right places.

I opened 1.6, went into Settings, picked the Mudlords Rice Video Build 6.1.3. (Didn't change the audio) Went into Configure Graphics Plug in and copied the instructions from the jpg but some of the options were not there still. Set compatability as Windows 7 and opened as admin. I just get a "Attempt to open the file failed."

So I am puzzled as to what to do? I have followed all the instructions kindly provided by yourselves.


Lower Midcard
Nov 2, 2010
Reaction score
Some of the options become available when the game is running.

Also, make sure that "Hide Advanced Settings" is unchecked (see the Settings Image)

Check that your rom path is set to where it is located on your pc.
File / Choose Rom Directory

Also that the paths are set to your pc locations in the Directories tab.
Options / Settings / Directories


Young Lion
Jul 9, 2020
Reaction score
Orson said:
Some of the options become available when the game is running.

Also, make sure that "Hide Advanced Settings" is unchecked (see the Settings Image)

Check that your rom path is set to where it is located on your pc.
File / Choose Rom Directory

Also that the paths are set to your pc locations in the Directories tab.
Options / Settings / Directories

(Sorry been out today)

EDIT - It has just started working, well I can hear it. Just going through video settings again

General doesn't have my screen resoution exactly
I don't have the Force Software transformation option in Direct X
General default options - N64 Frame Buffer is not even there for me

Hope all that makes sense? Thank you again for trying to help

Edit - the Current game options tab is available but it doesn't look like the screen shot provided?
Further Further Edit - it seems to be working now, I had to change the Rice Video build from 6.1.3 DX9 to Do I need to alter the cheat thing now or am I good to go for the moment?

Ok - the game loads but most people are wearing hats? And the names seem all wrong so the Rock's thumbnail is him but it looks like a woman build but with his face and the hat on?

I don't seem to have any of the arenas either? I have copied everything as per the instructions above?



Lower Midcard
Nov 2, 2010
Reaction score
There's an FAQ in the Help Folder that explains why you have the issues you describe.

It sounds like you don't have textures turned on or the cheats turned on.
The FAQ and Images in the Help Folder show you how to correct this.

You can change the cheat file and save file to the updated ones now you have it working.
You can also try updating to the new Randy Savage if you think you can work it out.


Young Lion
Jul 9, 2020
Reaction score
Ok! Almost there I think!

I completely started over from scratch. Followed every screen shot and all the advice from here (Thank you).
Fixed the hat thing! Going to fix the save issue. Is it worth updating the Savage one?

Thank you so much for all the help!

Bugger - getting buffer overrun error when I start a game!


Lower Midcard
Nov 2, 2010
Reaction score
You might as well add the new Randy Savage.

Just delete the old Savage textures folder and put the new one in its place.
As long as you have replaced the cheat and save files with the updated ones.

However, if you're getting errors, this could get way more confusing.

I am starting to collect Error Messages and cumulating solutions on how to fix them.

Here is what I have for Buffer Overrun: -


Buffer overrun detected!

Program: ..... [Path to your Project64.exe]

A buffer overrun has been detected which has corrupted the
program's internal state. The program cannot safely continue execution
and must
now be terminated.


This could be either your system / graphics card struggling to cope with
Rice Plugin and the amount of textures being used.

Or the path to your Project 64 is too long, causing a memory issue.

You can try one of the following, which might or might not help: -

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Shorten the path to your hi-res_textures folder.
For example if your hi-res_texture folder is located at:
C:\\Program Files\Emulators\N64\Mods\WWF Legends\Project 64\Plugin\hires_texture\WWF No Mercy

Shorten it to something like:
C:\\Program Files\Project 64\Plugin\hires_texture\WWF No Mercy

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Try switching to a different version of Rice Plugin
Note: some of the larger textures will not work using earlier versions.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Under Configure Graphics Plugin / General Options, try switching
Render Engine between DirectX and OpenGL.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Under your preferred configuration tab (Direct X or OpenGL),
select a different combiner type.
Try something more basic like "For Low End Video Cards".

Also try switching the "Depth Buffer Type" to a lower setting.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Under the "Texture Enhancement" Tab,
adjust "Texture Enhancement" to something more basic.
Perhaps also "Enhancement Control" to something more basic.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -