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  1. DarK.SOUL

    Forum name change.

    plz plz plz i am sorry not typing again plz i am sorry!
  2. DarK.SOUL

    Forum name change.

    man sorry but there is problem with this account please remove ban i promise not to type that again please please please forgive me ! and reopen my account ! <big><big><big><big><big>"i am sorry"</big></big></big></big></big>
  3. DarK.SOUL

    [Closed] Ps2 Jeff2013 mods

    amazing work on dolphin man ,awesome bro!:)
  4. DarK.SOUL

    Curtis Axel Says He's A Future WWE Champion

    i mean its not that a time to reboot wwe super like a super hero movie ...! he got a great talent but that not a match for wwe . i hurt some one i am sorry but
  5. DarK.SOUL

    Curtis Axel Says He's A Future WWE Champion

    <blockquote class='quote\\_blockquote'><dl><dt>Connor MacLeod</dt><dd>May 28 2013, 08:14:20 PM</dd></dl><div><blockquote class='quote\\_blockquote'><dl><dt>DarK.SOUL</dt><dd>May 28 2013, 11:43:48 AM</dd></dl><div>He iS JuST a JokER . a BiG disaSteR 4 Wwe cUrTix Axel OR MiCheal MggAgil OR WhaT...
  6. DarK.SOUL

    Curtis Axel Says He's A Future WWE Champion

    He iS JuST a JokER . a BiG disaSteR 4 Wwe cUrTix Axel OR MiCheal MggAgil OR WhaT So EvER hIs ****** Name IS hE Is WorsT ThING wWe Pg ERa HaS eVer DoNE . ANd A pAul HeyMAn GuY ArE U sErIoUS Is Wwe iS tHaT cHeap! AnD NoW He iS sAyIng HE Is BlOody Wwe chAmpp ShiT He ShoUld Be On A CoMedY sHoW...
  7. DarK.SOUL

    [Closed] Ps2 Jeff2013 mods

    MaN tHeSe MOds ArE VeRy GoOd1 KeEP On MakInG MoRe & MoRe MoDS1.