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  1. honkytonkman

    [Closed] the best tool problrm

    without framework..this was the problem :) ...for svr edit by nike i can't help you ..i never used that tool in my mods
  2. honkytonkman

    [Closed] why not i am update full roster pic?

    i have no idea..if game crush on selection pics you have changed ,first problem to think is the arc i said i have no pratice doin' mods with nike tool..but it could be lso a problem in the textures have used pictures from others game or you have done it by yourself ?
  3. honkytonkman

    [Closed] the best tool problrm

    for importing using svr editor by nike you can find tutorials on the tut. section and maybe there is instruction about importing also in the tool faq you see in svr editor. tool by the best don't open?.. see you a window that say no win 32 valid?... strange..i have XP and it works for me..
  4. honkytonkman

    [Closed] why not i am update full roster pic?

    i never used svreditor by nike but ,as cenztom said, surely there is a problem in arc updating
  5. honkytonkman

    [Closed] In match music

    i think it could be possible but only a good advanced modder could do it
  6. honkytonkman

    [Closed] In match music

    in 011 there is music2 .yaf??.. i had a 010 iso unpacked and i remember inside sound folder there was only music1.yaf...for these reason i supposed that music for entrances/menus/match ,were only in this file also for 011. if music2.yaf as 09 version had music for menu/match ,killing this file...
  7. honkytonkman

    [Closed] how to change the ring steps colors

    ..i'm asking one thing about adding tables in arenas..this don't creat problems in the game? crush when wrestlers fight out from the ring? i was thinkin to add this in my actually projet ULTIMATE WRESTLE KINGDOM psp but i have this doubt about it
  8. honkytonkman

    [Closed] Error on inject 09 pac file on Vladmir Koslov Pac File

    sometimes arc update it's not completly sure for no crushing ...using 6 men tag team matches or tag team with two managers game can crush before the match . someone says here ,it's because the models we import in the slots can have a bigger size than originals and updating arc file don't save...
  9. honkytonkman

    [Closed] import wrestler with Hex editor ?

    recently in my latest mod ULTIMATE WRESTLE KINGDOM psp i have import wrestlers using hex method..but in my own's not really hard but it wants practice and patience first times until you have understood the system..
  10. honkytonkman

    [Closed] Error on inject 09 pac file on Vladmir Koslov Pac File

    the symbols on extensions ,when you replace a original 09 bpe with a modded pac ,can have different forms..i don't think it's the real problem..when you inject a wrestler in anorther game you have to use 09 and 02 bpe . if you have a 09 pac you have modded the model ..right? ..maybe there is a...
  11. honkytonkman

    [Closed] In match music

    it's a thing i'm thinking from long time but in other ways , because i wanted to put on 09 a new audio file with comments only into the matches, leaving normal music only on menus..for your desire to eliminate in matches ,in 011 and 010 i think it's real complicated because i suppose there is...
  12. honkytonkman

    [Closed] how to change the ring steps colors

    psportman i suppose you're talkin''bout the the barricade that we can see in some parts of arenas but away from the ring..the ring barricade stand in c.8 and it's called fenc. the far away barricade could stand not in eventobj but inside some pac into the arena pac file..but i'm not sure .
  13. honkytonkman

    [Closed] how to change the ring steps colors

    slo_step in c.8 arena pacs ,i think is about the overtop side of the you see if you were lookin'at your shoes walkin' on it . for modding other parts of the step maybe you have to use the texture in eventobj.pac ..this is my opinion,i'm not sure about it 'cause i never modded
  14. honkytonkman


    it's the world gone crazy ...we can mod games but we can't do a serious and good banner..ok, it could be funny..but i think it's not a good presentation for OSR. new comers here can have a no-serious-picture about this forum, if they don't read rules, starts topics about things discussed...
  15. honkytonkman


    no words..i'm gonna think to leave OSR..the new skin now it's indecent..i think osr was a serious forum..we 're gonna laugh all the web. when i came here i found a serious it's a circus full of clowns
  16. honkytonkman


    no words..i'm gonna think to leave OSR..the new skin now it's indecent..i think osr was a serious forum..we 're gonna laugh all the web. when i came here i found a serious it's a circus full of clowns
  17. honkytonkman


    no words..i'm gonna think to leave OSR..the new skin now it's indecent..i think osr was a serious forum..we 're gonna laugh all the web. when i came here i found a serious it's a circus full of clowns
  18. honkytonkman

    [Closed] does any one guys have any idea

    in yaf files of 09 stand a lot of clips of wrestlers not included in the game as models ..eddie guerrero..mick foley..etc. the hard work is converting all to at3 audio file and searching ..
  19. honkytonkman

    [Closed] does any one guys have any idea

    you have to find if in your svr game if stands the name of the wrestler you's a long hard searching safari in ring_r , ring_s, ring_e yaf files .. there are many wrestlers name clips..for exemple in svr 2009 stands CHAVO GUERRERo , but its model is not in the game ! ..the trouble is...
  20. honkytonkman

    [Closed] Base of Lana,Summer Rae

    i have used the system thegamegk told ya for my tigermask,black tiger, jaguar yokota ,mil mascaras and ultraman models..and works fine ..try and try again ..with great patience. i remember that i've spend aroun' one month to fix right the mask of tiger on chavo guerrero face's base and for...