KG 24

Main Eventer
Jun 18, 2011
Reaction score
This group is the farthest thing from winners. Betraying your own is an automatic loss in anything.


Oct 30, 2010
Reaction score
RagNaRoc said:
<blockquote class='quote\\_blockquote'><dl><dt>Eric Bischoff</dt><dd>Dec 3 2012, 11:41:34 AM</dd></dl><div>BIG NEWS PEOPLE. I AM SEEKING 2 OSR MEMBERS TO JOIN THE NWO. FIRST 2 WHO PUTS THERE NAME IN THIS TOPIC JOINS AND CAN LIVE A LAVISH LIFESTYLE AND MAKE EVERYONE'S ELSES LIFE HELL.


Jan 1, 2011
Reaction score
<blockquote class='quote\\_blockquote'><dl><dt>KG 24</dt><dd>Dec 3 2012, 08:47:57 PM</dd></dl><div>This group is the farthest thing from winners. Betraying your own is an automatic loss in anything.[/quote]Betraying my own?
When all these groups were forming, did anyone say "Hey WildForce buddy we need you. Why don't you join us?

Hell no they didn't, as always i was expected to be there to always do what is expected & no questions asked, but Eric made me see i'm better than that & i now i am with a group that values me not as a tool only to be used when they need me, but an equal in EVERYTHING.

n.W.o. 4 Life.....


Feb 7, 2011
Reaction score
WildForce67 said:
Betraying my own?
When all these groups were forming, did anyone say "Hey WildForce buddy we need you. Why don't you join us?

Hell no they didn't, as always i was expected to be there to always do what is expected & no questions asked, but Eric made me see i'm better than that & i now i am with a group that values me not as a tool only to be used when they need me, but an equal in EVERYTHING.

n.W.o. 4 Life.....

Deleted User

Crowd Member
Are you serious? Im giving my notice, screw you guys for ruining my war Brother!


Feb 7, 2011
Reaction score
<blockquote class='quote\\_blockquote'><dl><dt>Darth AKI</dt><dd>Dec 3 2012, 09:21:52 PM</dd></dl><div>You can both kiss my smooth Evolution ASS!!!![/quote]This right here is the reason why I seized this once in a lifetime opportunity.

The two people that I respect the most here on OSR are CBV and WildForce67. When CBV came back here and saw what was going on, he did exactly what anyone expected him to do. He went into business for himself. And I still respect him for that. He never promised to come and rescue anybody. And he did not align himself with anybody either, good nor bad. He was honest about what he intended to do from the start, and I respect him for living up to his word.

But then there is WildForce67. Anyone who claims that they knew he would join the nWo is a liar. And just like everyone else, I asked the same questions about someone I thought that I could trust. Why did he turn his back on the rest of us? I tried my best to walk in his shoes, and see things through his eyes. And when I did that, I saw the truth. It is right there, in the Dean Ambrose gif in his signature. “We are about honour!”

That is one thing that WildForce67 and RagNaRoc both have in common. We have always done what we thought was right. We didn’t do it because God was watching us. We didn’t do it because we were desperate for people to like us. We did it because we long for justice. Can you imagine a world in which those who are good are rewarded, and those who commit acts of evil are punished? This is not the world that you live in.

Anybody remember this?

<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Quote: RagNaRoc, 30th November 2011, 03.07a.m.</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">
I will be honest. The first time that I came to this site, I only wanted one thing: Apati's mods. We were both on another site, and then he started making his work exclusive here. I had come here looking for his mods so I may make my own modded SvR10. I had planned to be a leech. I was going to take what I wanted, but not give back. I was never going to share Apati's work with anyone else, and I never will.
But then I got to see what was going on here. We were building a pretty awesome community. It was much better than the other site (which I never visit now). It has become one of the sites I have visited most often. I still feel like a newbie at times, but I have enjoyed being a part of this.
All I have ever had to offer are fairly basic tutorials for hex and moveset editing. But I learnt most of that stuff here. The stuff that I now know better than anyone else all started from the stuff I was learning here. I didn't expect to love this place as much as I do.
When I got here, there was a problem with morons stealing other people's work. Sadly, that is something that has never really changed. This is a place were noobs like me can come and be a part of something awesome. And that invitation is open to everyone. And it sucks that there are so many idiots who only come here to pillage.
Thank you to everyone else who contributes to this place. I just hope we manage to find a better way of sorting crap like this out.

Since that day, all I ever heard about was “how this place used to be fun”, and complaining about the injustice here. Shortly after this, CBV invited me to be a member of staff here. And I spent an entire year trying to help make this place fun again. I tried to help all of you whenever I could. I stood up for many of you when the admins were getting trigger happy with the ban hammer. Some of you would not be able to read this post right now if I didn’t convince the admins to let you back in after getting yourself banned the last time. I was a friend to as many of you as I could be.

But what did that get me? Take a look to the left. Of all the people on OSR who have been here for more than 6 months, I have the fewest peeps. But it is worse than that. Protecting you guys cost me both my reputation, and my job as a moderator here. And everyone who “respected” me said nothing in my defence. I haven’t bitched once about not being a staff member because I don’t care anymore. I don’t care, because none of you care.

I am not a traitor. And WildForce67 didn’t turn his back on anyone. We are about honour, and it is great to be working with honourable men like WildForce67 and Eric Bischoff once more.

Oh, and by the way, God is watching you. And the rest of you had better be sure that you are right with Him. Because the nWo is about to put each of you through hell.


Feb 7, 2011
Reaction score
Hey yo, I tell you what mang. That there TNA went down the crapper the day that they let you go.

Deleted User

Crowd Member
Its all about the money and I need more! there's never enough money not for you and never enough for me Brother!

Deleted User

Crowd Member
we need.. ??? we need a.. ??? Leader.. GOD are you listening? .... ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME? send us a saviour... send us a hero! Send us..


Jan 1, 2011
Reaction score
<blockquote class='quote\\_blockquote'><dl><dt>Kevin Nash</dt><dd>Dec 3 2012, 10:27:31 PM</dd></dl><div>Eric Bischoff is a Clown![/quote]

Super El Guapo

Main Eventer
Dec 10, 2010
Reaction score
this is the kinda shit that turns away any serious or talented moders, all were gonna be left with is Goatcheese members.


Feb 7, 2011
Reaction score
<blockquote class='quote\\_blockquote'><dl><dt>El Guapo</dt><dd>Dec 3 2012, 10:41:00 PM</dd></dl><div>this is the kinda shit that turns away any serious or talented moders, all were gonna be left with is Goatcheese members.[/quote]Your face turns away serious or talented modders. And Goatcheese is a living legend. He can slam revolving doors.

nWo 4 Life

KG 24

Main Eventer
Jun 18, 2011
Reaction score
Everyone grab your popcorn bags and read my rant. It's a kinda short big one.

First off, Wildforce. You're complaining about not being in the group war? We're you expecting a fucking invitation? When the groups were formed, people MADE their choices to be with whoever. They didn't wait, they didn't expect a shitty 2 sentence PM about how this group needed them, they MADE the groups recognize themselves. You expect something no one else got, and you got impatient.

You talk about honor, but you jumped ship the first second no one asked about you. You think it's honor to betray your own? Give me a break. You contradict yourself at every step of the way, and you dig yourself deeper in this hole of lies. You want honor? You earn it.

Rag, you have NOTHING to complain about. You're an admin, for gods sake! The people love you! You didn't need this shitty turn to feel like you are something. We loved you like a brother, but the message didn't get to your head, did it! There is no excuse for you to feel unappreciated or whatever your heart feels. You don't turn on us like that. Not the way you suddenly did. You also took the first ship away from us, and guess what? Once your on that different ship, there's no turning back, man.

But here's what got me. Yea, you were a nice person, and all, then I saw this sentence and it pissed me off more than any post I've seen since June. "But what did that get me? Take a look to the left. Of all the people on OSR who have been here for more than 6 months, I have the fewest peeps." And we all know that's a FUCKING LIE. Look at my peeps! I've been here for 534 days with ONLY 47 peeps. And here's some math for you to back up my claim.

Your average peeps a day: 0.093

My average: 0.088

And you aren't the one bombarded with piss jokes every day! No really, I get them so much. When I was a young member, I almost quit on this place. And now I've matured, and the jokes still go on. But do I bitch? No! I love this place, even with all the piss jokes. In fact, I get in on the jokes.

At the end of the day, this is a family. But you two... you two aren't part of this family anymore. You both, Bitchoff, WHOEVER THE FUCK IS LURKING BEHIND THE SCENES... you made a choice. To mess with a family. God may love those that act kind for honor, but betrayal for your own gain no matter what the excuse, that is something he does not forgive. He watches, he listens, and he hangs his head.


Main Eventer
Feb 21, 2012
Reaction score
Preeetyy sure your one fart away from a heart attack......
