Showdown 64


Nov 1, 2011
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Ones that I've encountered so far is Jimmy Hart, Jimmy Snuka, and Jimmy Uso conflicting, along with Goldust and Goldberg.

I would imagine that both Usos and the Hart Brothers would have conflicts as well.

Those are just ones off the top of my head.

I know they can be fixed by renaming the wrestlers, I just want to make sure that if I were to do that, the names would make sense if they show up on other menus.

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@tjpunk: I can dig that.

The first post has been updated with new thread rules. Read them or face being banned.

I am approaching this with a zero-tolerance policy, now. No more requests.No more asking me when I will have the next version uploaded.

If having a wrestling game with 200 selectable characters isn't enough then make your own.


Young Lion
Jun 23, 2014
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I'm completely in support of the zero tolerance policy that's now in place. Complaining about so and so wrestler not being in the game when the team has taken the time to add in over 200 separate wrestlers & their movesets (and counting) is just being ungrateful.

Now to move on to the positives, the new weapons system sounds unreal, and I have every faith in Chuckie to make it work in spite of how ambitious it sounds. The new select screen is incredible too (plus I've had a sneak peak at some of the new wrestlers that are being added and I'm excited by them) - I personally would be perfectly happy with leaving the names/weights as is, but if you want to texture them then go right ahead. This is, after all, your project and not mine...

...Actually, that's not true. It's your project in as much as you're all working on it, but I honestly feel like it's the community's project too. Every time I come back to this topic I find something new to blow my mind. It's almost not like a textured N64 save anymore, it's transcended that & become so much more. And that's just about the best possible compliment I could give you guys. Keep up the amazing work, it doesn't matter to me when it's finished or what day in the future it comes out as long as it comes out some day. You've all put too much work into this for others not to play it


Main Eventer
Apr 27, 2012
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Keson said:
The first post has been updated with new thread rules. Read them or face being banned.

I am approaching this with a zero-tolerance policy, now. No more requests.No more asking me when I will have the next version uploaded.

If having a wrestling game with 200 selectable characters isn't enough then make your own.
I agree.

If peoples don't understand, thats mean if you want ... on the game do it yourself, there's a creator kit dammit!!! >.<

Keson you should post thats on the 1st post . lol

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@ NLG: Thanks. The weapons are confirmed to all work perfectly.

Also Rick Martel will be coming soon.


Main Eventer
Jan 4, 2011
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This project's mods, weapons, moves, arenas are fantastic!
I should switch to playing No Mercy
Great work guys!!!

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80las said:
This project's mods, weapons, moves, arenas are fantastic!
I should switch to playing No Mercy
Great work guys!!!
If you ever do, we'd love to help you hone your skills. :)


Jan 11, 2015
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And if someone actually pays you to put a wrestler in game? :p
(I'm just saying that there are those type of ppl out there but hey at least your making bucks)
[insert credit card here]


Nov 1, 2011
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After thinking about it, I think that I will pass on texturing the select screen names.

HOWEVER... I was liking the idea I was working on for the design of the names, so I may transfer that over to retexturing a new version of the in-match nameplates. Those are much easier to do as they are just 1 texture per wrestler. The select screen names can be 3-4 textures each depending on the name.

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PinkFloyd said:
Make it 2 to 5 bucks a wrestler based on the request XD
That's not enough money. It's a bare minimum of 4 hours work to complete a wrestler with movesets and all. And with my new dynamic moveset codes you can tack on an extra couple hours depending on who it is.

Average about ten hours per wrestler. Think about that.

Now, imagine if a bunch of people complained when you were missing one or two wrestlers they like. Ug.


Lower Midcard
Jul 3, 2011
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Sht Sometimes it takes a whole week to do 1 guy minus the move set, this isn't easy.

My thought's
It takes more then a year to build and complete a Save by itself and it takes even longer then that to perfect it, you've spent so much time building one epic mod and you've given people the information they need to add any character they want into the game.... There's so many tools out there that make it all easier as well... IDK I feel like I figured 90% of all this out on my own with allot of trial and errors and until I knew what I was doing and people just want to be hand fed things instead of trying on their own to do stuff, it just frustrates me sometimes but it is the way it is, witch is pretty messed up given I don't play that much anymore. I mainly do this for other people to enjoy and have been for a long time. I don't mind walking anybody through stuff but I can't do stuff for people when I'm trying to do and figure things out myself.

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Definitely. kingkanyon is one of the main contributors for movesets/textures to this game. I'm known as a lazy texture modder for a reason. I'm not good at it, and I get too impatient.

kingkanyon's hacks/textures are 100% cherry for a reason.


Main Eventer
Apr 27, 2012
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Honestly I don't mind about how the wrestlers have been modded, or if we just change the skin. The most important is the playing of the save itself and that the wrestlers are on the save

Like kingkanyon say you can take 1 full week or mounth on making 1 attire if you're patient. For example im pretty sure that Icco and the team work on the Legends save for over 5 years by getting only 32 wonderful wrestlers... 5 YEARS

200+ wrestlers is just huge!!! soo if Keson wasn't helped by man like kingkanyon, wolfpac_69 and many contributor on the project we'll didn't got over 50 wrestlers and im sure that the save is far to be over... I myself enjoyed to mod unmodded wrestlers like Rikidozan or Earl Caddock for the save or do guys like Chris Benoit or Chris Adams

Like its been mentionned many time modders and hackers aren't getting paid. I honestly use NM for make my live better, I don't want to use it for make me money but its a pain to work on a save with people who only ask you for links instead of giving feedback, it make me looks like we're their slaves,soo they should be happy that all the saves are free :wall:

Lazy people who request their shit are REALLY REALLY awful to see -_-

Like I say on a older post... There is a creator kit on the 1st post ... I don't know why it will be soo hard to add a wrestler by yourself... :comp:

Thats just my opinion

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Decided to mod the man that kicks the shit out of me every weekend.

Legendary wrestler and head trainer of OVW: Rip Rogers!



Lower Midcard
Feb 1, 2014
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Damn Cowboy, the Hustler be whoopin' yo ass. :) (Just messin' Bro) Have you mentioned No Mercy to him or anybody else at OVW? And Oh yeah 2 to 5 dollars WTF Isn't minimum wage like 10 bucks an hour.



Young Lion
Jul 28, 2015
Reaction score
have many wrestlers, Drago usa, evolve, ROH, PWG, Chikara, if you need any one say