Showdown 64


Young Lion
Dec 30, 2017
Reaction score
Hey guys! I made an account just so I can say how amazing this mod is! It looks fantastic. I'm having trouble getting it to work though :( I'm not exactly sure what I'm doing wrong. I've followed the directions, searched reddit, watched YouTube videos and I'm doing everything to the letter but none of the textures are loading in, the other match types aren't there, and the screen becomes stretched. I've tried on 2 different versions of Project64 (the current build and 2.1) and I'm getting the same results. 2.1 however won't let me change directories? It never saves when I click apply. The current P64 WILL let me change directories but it yields the same results. Any help is appreciated! Thanks! :) :topicbump:

Deleted User

Crowd Member
Make sure textures are in the correct folder.

Make sure you are running PJ64 as an admin.

Make sure Showdown 64 is the ONLY box you have checked in the cheats section.


Young Lion
Dec 30, 2017
Reaction score
<blockquote class='quote\\_blockquote'><dl><dt>Keson Columbus</dt><dd>Dec 30 2017, 01:03:39 PM</dd></dl><div>Make sure textures are in the correct folder.

Make sure you are running PJ64 as an admin.

Make sure Showdown 64 is the ONLY box you have checked in the cheats section.[/quote]Not to be a noob or whatever, but what exactly is the correct folder for the textures? I've seen people in tutorials videos use different ones and in the screenshots its kinda cut off. Also whats the best version of PJ64 to use for this? Because like I said my 2.1 won't save my changes when I change the directories.

Deleted User

Crowd Member
I can't tell you about the videos because I didn't make them. Use the instructions in the first post, it tells you the version, the name of the folders, and has a FAQ.

In the PJ64 root directory, there's folder labeled "textures", within that folder, create a new one labeled 'WWF No Mercy', place textures inside.

2.1 should save the directories after you correct it the first time.

And, as always, run as an admin.


Young Lion
Dec 30, 2017
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<blockquote class='quote\\_blockquote'><dl><dt>Keson Columbus</dt><dd>Jan 2 2018, 02:27:51 PM</dd></dl><div>I can't tell you about the videos because I didn't make them. Use the instructions in the first post, it tells you the version, the name of the folders, and has a FAQ.

In the PJ64 root directory, there's folder labeled "textures", within that folder, create a new one labeled 'WWF No Mercy', place textures inside.

2.1 should save the directories after you correct it the first time.

And, as always, run as an admin.[/quote]I think we found my problem then. 2.1 isn't saving the directory change :\

Deleted User

Crowd Member
r0b138 said:
I think we found my problem then. 2.1 isn't saving the directory change :\
That's such a minor problem. Like, three extra clicks. And it SHOULD save if you are running as an admin.


Young Lion
Dec 30, 2017
Reaction score
<blockquote class='quote\\_blockquote'><dl><dt>Keson Columbus</dt><dd>Jan 2 2018, 03:59:23 PM</dd></dl><div>
r0b138 said:
I think we found my problem then. 2.1 isn't saving the directory change :\
That's such a minor problem. Like, three extra clicks. And it SHOULD save if you are running as an admin. [/quote]I FINALLY got it to save (I just kept clicking it.) I'm running PJ64 as Admin and still all I'm getting is a stretched screen and no textures. IE Hogan has Sexays pic and is made up of recolored Create A Wrestler parts. I'm following the directions, I just don't know what I'm doing wrong here :(

I Am Malice

Crowd Member
r0b138 said:
<blockquote class='quote\\_blockquote'><dl><dt>Keson Columbus</dt><dd>Jan 2 2018, 03:59:23 PM</dd></dl><div>
Quoting limited to 2 levels deep
I FINALLY got it to save (I just kept clicking it.) I'm running PJ64 as Admin and still all I'm getting is a stretched screen and no textures. IE Hogan has Sexays pic and is made up of recolored Create A Wrestler parts. I'm following the directions, I just don't know what I'm doing wrong here :(

Hello everybody (Dr. Nick Voice)

I am having this exact same problem with the textures not appearing.

I am in admin mode, followed all the steps and still can't get it to work.

My question is: How important is it to have Project64 v2.1 because I was unable to find a download for it. I was only able to find version 2.3.2 of project 64....Is this my problem or am I missing something else?

Thank you.[/quote]

Deleted User

Crowd Member
Double check the directory paths. If it doesn't work, post screenshots.

We can't help you without proper information.

I Am Malice

Crowd Member
I finally got the textures to work!! and im so excited to try out the mod.....I've been looking at videos for a while now and it looks great.....

Figured out that my problem was that is was using the wrong version Project64 (2.3.2)...what can I say I'm a total jobber at these things.



Young Lion
Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
I decided to simulate a 30 man Royal Rumble in Showdown, much like 3 years ago (only this time there were a lot less glitches & Randy Savage eliminating himself). Enjoy


Young Lion
Oct 1, 2017
Reaction score
Is there a tut somewhere that shows how to add new wrestlers? I clone/copy to a empty spot but it doesn't show. Will I have to edit a superstar? Like I'm changing Earl Hebner into Gangrel, changed the textures of his face and hair, but I will have to edit all the moves and stuff too? There's not much in way of guides for this top of the line mod. No explanations for cheats, nothing. Any help will make this mod even better.

Deleted User

Crowd Member
In order to create new wrestlers you must manually modify an empty wrestler slot, perform a texture dump, update the textures in photoshop or similar program, then code the moveset sing excel spreadsheets.

There's guides on how to use those tools in our No mercy section. Lots of them.

There's also a FAQ and guide in the first post of this concerning the mod itself.


Young Lion
Oct 1, 2017
Reaction score
Ok sorry I didn't see the help section. Sorry for posting that. Sucks I have add new guys that way, I will have to do the same steps if I want to copy one wrestler into all 4 slots so he has 4 different attires. This may be more work then I thought

And I tried looking through the pages, didn't see anything yet. You still working on this or is this the final version? I know a bunch of Attitude Era guys were taken out from the main game and never added back.

Deleted User

Crowd Member
We no longer update this project. We are working on something better.