Showdown 64


Main Eventer
Jul 13, 2011
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Cut it out the pair of you this is a 15 year old game there is no need to act like children if you continue you will both be suspended

The NekoMancer

Jun 17, 2011
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Robb was right, anyway. Some of you people can't mod or hack at all and ask for too much. Keson doesn't get paid to do this, and you guys pretty much demand him to make his save to your liking, that's not cool.

Deleted User

Crowd Member
I start wrestling school at OVW August 8th. Sure hope you guys like reading because I'm not updating shit for you. I have a lot to do in the real world and this takes away from the fun of modding.


Young Lion
Jun 23, 2015
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Keson, don't let these guys get to you or any other people requesting changes. This is a phenomenal save/mod and we are just lucky to have it. Plus you provided the creator kit. Thanks again and good luck in OVW.


Young Lion
May 27, 2015
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Aside from all the non sense others may be talkin, Id personally just like to say thank you very much for such an amazing save!!


Young Lion
Jun 22, 2015
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OptimusCrime said:
Thanks Keson for understanding. All im saying is if Scott Hall's slot could go back to what he was. it used to be Scott Hall (type 1) Razor ramon (type 2) Kevin Nash (type 3) Diesel (Type 4).
now its Hall, Razor, Nash and then Hall again. Theres 2 scott halls. Its not like were asking for Vinnie Vegas or OZ... Diesel was one of the biggest stars in the 90's IMO. As for the names being different in the HUD, i know they can be changed in the smackdown mall (I even mentioned that in my original post) I was giving a heads up for future updates regarding the MAIN cht file. it would be nice if the main cht was fixed once so everybody else dont have to go to the smackdown mall and manually fix it. It dont bother me non but when you have 200+ people downloading the game, this bug will probably be mentioned here and there.
thanks again

Just added Diesel to the 4th slot for Hall/Nash.
The GS code is in a .txt file, because I didn't want to hurt anybody's eyes with this 14 part code... Over 1400 lines! This code is to be used in addition with the original Kevin Nash code.

Everything in the moveset is as close to Keson's original moveset for Nash. I believe the only two things I've changed were adding the Turnbuckle Powerbomb to his front turnbuckle special and a powerbomb to the outside of the ring as his special from the apron. For everything else, such as parameters,I took them from Wldfb's moveset archive for Nash.

instructions are also included to change the attire to Big Daddy :)
Also: If anyone wants Triple H to always pick up the Sledgehammer, go to the HHH moveset replacement code in the cheatlist, go to line 95: 813211FC 004D (pasting in Excel helps)

Simply change the value from 004D to 084D, update and HHH will always pick up the Sledgehammer ingame. :)

Deleted User

Crowd Member
damian001, I love you. You aren't lazy and understand how easy this is. PM me.

Favorite new member, you guys should take some incentive like he did because this is super easy stuff.

Good call on the moveset change, by the way. When using hacks for project 64 1.7 or higher, you have space for 146 lines instead of 100, which make those kind of codes 8-10 parts total, usually.


Young Lion
Jun 23, 2014
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I'm slightly late to the party here (what else is new, right?) but I've downloaded the 5.4 update and wow. Just wow. I cannot believe how much work went into this project. 200 separate movesets, all of which are about as accurate to the wrestlers' real life counterparts as you could possibly hope to get. No other save in the history of No Mercy has ever offered such choice & variety, and yet you're still getting complaints? Dear god -_-

To the handful of people making complaints or suggestions, try making a save from scratch like this yourself and then you've got the right to talk. An insane amount of work goes into projects like this (I should know, I attempted to create & constantly update a vanilla AKI save years ago) and it's no surprise that the odd error creeps in now and again, but guess what people? It's easy to fix them yourselves. Does a particular wrestler have the wrong name in-game? Go into the Smackdown Mall & change it. Somebody's textures don't load properly? Redump yourself, the whole process takes less than 5 mins once you've got the hang on it. Don't like the fact that Hogan doesn't have his NWO attire? Tough. You're not the ones making the save; the creators have the right to add whoever & whatever to their project as they see fit. Hell, if they wanted to include 120 versions of John Cena they could do & they'd have every right to (even though that would be a terrible idea LMAO. That's not the point)

Sorry for getting overly angry there, but my god, there's been some major league stupidity in the past few pages of this thread. It's no wonder Keson keeps getting sick and tired of it


Main Eventer
Jul 13, 2011
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On some evenings on trillian myself and keson have modded for literally hours and have achieved one functional wrestler or a new hack or page design NLG you hit the nail on the head people just don't understand what It takes to actually achieve a save let alone one as versatile as this one, but to then have people nit pick is just ridiculous the fact there is a creators kit and a new development section is even more frustrating

You wouldnt email the WWE telling them the issues you have with 2K15 so why do it to ours be grateful it is free and we are willing to devote our time to it for free

Rant over


Lower Midcard
Jul 6, 2014
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:sgctc: SMH, i sound like a broken record here and everybody keeps responding with the same response. I actually dont know if people are trolling me right now or just really dumb. I SAID i know you fix the name in the smackdown mall. I said that right after i reported it in the same message!!!!!! I was just giving a heads up so the main save can be fixed. I'm not complaining about it, just reporting it.

Deleted User

Crowd Member
You also kept harping about Diesel, even going to far as to make up a story about how Scott Hall's slot used to actually have two functioning Nash's (it never did), RIGHT AFTER I EXPLAINED WHY IT IS A PERSONAL WASTE OF TIME.

Anyone can go back a page and see you requesting Diesel multiple times, once even after I calmly and politely stated why I don't have time to. Stop requesting stuff that you can do yourself, I'm tired of you not even trying to help yourself.


Main Eventer
Jul 13, 2011
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its not just you OptimusCrime, there are plenty of others these messages are pointed at, we wouldn't 'Troll' you either... being admin there are plenty of other cool buttons we can press if you get me, so kindly don't call us Dumb, we are the people that update this save so i'd suggest you wind your neck in a bit

Deleted User

Crowd Member
I think someone who can't even dump their own textures or do the most basic No Mercy stuff should really lay off calling other people dumb.



Main Eventer
Apr 27, 2012
Reaction score
This thread goes into a complaining, fighting, request thread... It was supposed to show and released a Showdown save with many wrestler of diffenrent era .not to got all of this cr*p.

All thoses suggestion are annoying! Do it yourself! Its really easy

They're a tutorial section

I don't understand, I'm lost. :unsure: -_-