Showdown 64


Deleted User

Crowd Member
When I get this latest code to work I'll hop right on it. We're down to my last couple days of being able to binge hack, and I wanna get as much done as possible.

S.K. Stylez

Backstage Worker
Jun 2, 2011
Reaction score
You know what...forget the activator I just told you. Here's the one you need.

D10777A0 - P1
D10777A2 - P2
D10777A4 - P3
D10777A6 - P4

D007779C - P1
D007779D - P2
D007779E - P3
D007779F - P4

You're welcome :)

Deleted User

Crowd Member
Just put those in my existing codes and they will work?

As soon as I get these damage grapple mods working I'm on it!

S.K. Stylez

Backstage Worker
Jun 2, 2011
Reaction score
I just realised that the Rumble is gay with the move sets, so it probably won't work.

Deleted User

Crowd Member
No worries. :)

Also, the Hulk Hogan easter egg finished version thanks to SK Stylez:



Main Eventer
Jul 13, 2011
Reaction score
I am speechless and STILL away from my PC god damn it lol I love you guys I got a lot to catch up on when I get back that hogan stuff fuckin owns man I will start coding some 40 odd arenas when I get back :)

Deleted User

Crowd Member
The dynamics you see with Hogan will go far beyond attires. :) In the end, waaaaaay down the r Movesets will also change accordingly.

Sometimes, one wrestler will be completely replaced by another! :B-)

Hulk hogan is where I started since he covers a lot of ground and can be easily edited to show his whole career. In WCW Nitro, Hulk Hogan will gouge your eyes, use low blows, and cowardly heel taunts.

In Japan, Hogan won't cup his ear and does his classic poses from the late 70's and early 80's. His Axe Bomber is also deadly, but ONLY in Japan. ;)

This isn't theoretical, this is working in my game right now.

Deleted User

Crowd Member
We haven't even begun.

Dynamic top turnbuckle camera, anyone?




Main Eventer
Aug 29, 2012
Reaction score
man, everything about the gif is awesome, the arena the camera angle, the zoom lol!! Can't wait to see it with 4 players.

Tyler Black

Upper Midcard
Nov 2, 2014
Reaction score
Get the fuck out of here... Hogan attires and movesets change automatically with the arena??!!! Imagine what you could do with a guy like punk or Bryan who've had so many unique looks through the years. That dynamic camera is like watching an actual wwe show or ppv!! Keason there's a reason you're my favorite no mercy guy. Your drive and determination as well as your uncanny ability to work with others has taken my favorite game ever to new heights and you're one of the greatest of all time I hope to be one tenth the modder you are one day :)

Deleted User

Crowd Member
I don't think I really work that well with others, I'm just lucky enough to be surrounded by patient people. :)

6.0 will hopefully feel like a true sequel to No Mercy, and 5.5 will show hints of what's to come with Hogan and other surprises. It's coming any day now, actually.

Time's up. School starts Saturday, and my time for modding will be shortened greatly.

Lots of little things were changed today. I re-did the damage for each finisher spear so everyone has a different strength of spear (Goldberg's still rules over all, Reigns is second), made Macho Man's elbow drop deadly when on special, and added this long-needed little detail:


The Rock will no longer execute the People's Elbow unless you are on special. :B-) It''s also significantly stronger than before.

Go ahead and try it out:

D015AF9E 0004
D115AF50 0001
D1072242 0000
81091146 1FEA
D015B2F6 0004
D115B2A8 0001
D1072244 0000
8109158E 1FEA
D015B64E 0004
D115B600 0001
D1072246 0000
810919D6 1FEA
D015B9A6 0004
D115B958 0001
D1072248 0000
81091E1E 1FEA
D015AF9E 0004
D115AF50 0001
D1072242 0000
800AD372 0040
D015B2F6 0004
D115B2A8 0001
D1072244 0000
800B2082 0040
D015B64E 0004
D115B600 0001
D1072246 0000
800B6D92 0040
D015B9A6 0004
D115B958 0001
D1072248 0000
800BBAA2 0040

Almost forgot, this code is only compatible with this moveset:

813209A8 8481
813209AA D036
813209AC 1B80
813209AE 403E
813209B0 12C2
813209B2 1028
813209B4 8A00
813209B6 9A04
813209B8 802E
813209BA 8148
813209BC 4100
813209BE 6838
813209C0 0000
813209C2 3E01
813209C4 C080
813209C6 340E
813209C8 0A21
813209CA 4C29
813209CC 0421
813209CE 1000
813209D0 0440
813209D2 0C08
813209D4 00C0
813209D6 A812
813209D8 83D0
813209DA 1414
813209DC 240C
813209DE 1206
813209E0 0900
813209E2 C8B4
813209E4 4202
813209E6 0410
813209E8 20C1
813209EA 8082
813209EC 0410
813209EE 0020
813209F0 2040
813209F2 0081
813209F4 8180
813209F6 2040
813209F8 0050
813209FA 2041
813209FC 00A0
813209FE 3002
81320A00 0288
81320A02 2824
81320A04 0828
81320A06 8282
81320A08 4080
81320A0A 80C0
81320A0C 7846
81320A0E 0250
81320A10 900C
81320A12 E0B0
81320A14 0082
81320A16 7850
81320A18 19E3
81320A1A 406C
81320A1C 8070
81320A1E 20A0
81320A20 CC19
81320A22 0703
81320A24 8138
81320A26 2A07
81320A28 0380
81320A2A C080
81320A2C 8204
81320A2E 0020
81320A30 104D
81320A32 0298
81320A34 1405
81320A36 C005
81320A38 4108
81320A3A 4605
81320A3C 0284
81320A3E 6002
81320A40 0582
81320A42 0200
81320A44 E081
81320A46 0400
81320A48 4004
81320A4A 0400
81320A4C 0100
81320A4E 0010
81320A50 1001
81320A52 0080
81320A54 0000
81320A56 0010
81320A58 0000
81320A5A 0000
81320A5C 0082
81320A5E 001E
81320A60 40A8
81320A62 D360
81320A64 0091
81320A66 48D5
81320A68 510D
81320A6A 1C81
81320A6C 0400
81320A6E 269B
81320A70 204C
81320A72 0800
81320A74 0000
81320A76 0000
81320A78 030C
81320A7A 0120
81320A7C 1404
81320A7E 8000

Tyler Black

Upper Midcard
Nov 2, 2014
Reaction score
Best of luck in OVW Man, I hope you enjoy it. Thankfully I'll have 5.5 to hold me over in your absence. You've inspired me to learn about these arena based texture changes. What if it carriers over to titles and not just wrestlers? What if when you selected the world title, at Wcw Nitro, it became the world heavyweight title? More specifically what if when you selected the world title at nitro with hogan, it became the nWo spray painted heavyweight title? I'm excited just thinking about it!


Main Eventer
Jul 13, 2011
Reaction score
@ Tyler that belt hack is do able I already have a version we are just trying to figure how to Un mirror the texture :)

Tyler Black

Upper Midcard
Nov 2, 2014
Reaction score
Wolfpac_69 said:
@ Tyler that belt hack is do able I already have a version we are just trying to figure how to Un mirror the texture :)
You guys are freaking incredible. I've had so many good titles ruined by mirrored belt textures. It's really weird considering the main menu doesn't mirror the belts, hopefully you can figure it out!


Young Lion
May 30, 2014
Reaction score
Chuckiepk said:
I have played a few matches with it already and so far I have not encountered any glitches. However, as stated by DegenerationX69, getting outside of the cell and climbing up to the top to do bumps have not been coded yet. Though it is still a good start to having a Hell in a Cell Match without getting rid of the crowd barriers. I am almost done copying all of the menu cheats to a notepad file. It is taking longer than I expected. I will send them to you soon.

Okay, so I'm having a problem with the Hell in the Cell code.
Every time I load the Hell in the Cell match I get a dark wall as the cage texture and I can't see what's happening in the ring!?

Can someone explain to me what's wrong or what the texture names for the cell are!? I'm using the Showdown 64 mod btw

Deleted User

Crowd Member
Personally, I want a way to have specific champions per arena, not just belts.

Gamefools: That isn't a Showdown question so I can't help you.


Lower Midcard
Jul 6, 2014
Reaction score
I made a money in the bank brief case that replaces the generic case, the only flaw is the mirroring. when you hold the brief case its cool but when you choose a non title ladder match then the MinB brief case is mirrored as its hanging. Also when its dropped on the floor its mirrored.
I never uploaded the Money in the Bank brief case here because of the mirroring issue. kinda looks half ass. Ill give it to anybody if they want it though
