Showdown 64


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Dennisolsen2006 said:
Love the mod..any chance we might see some love for shinsuke nakamura??
I guarantee you'll see him before Wrestlemania.

Tyler Black

Upper Midcard
Nov 2, 2014
Reaction score
Hey guys, you know how Steens package pile driver glitches out? found out why there was a whole chunk of the code missing,

update the cheat to this and it will work now

Showdown 64\Move Hacks\Package Piledriver\1
D106B454 37FC
D106B456 0022
8106B460 00A0
D106B454 37FC
D106B456 0022
8106B462 3B30
D106B514 37FD
D106B516 0022
8106B520 00A0
D106B514 37FD
D106B516 0022
8106B522 4AE6
D106B514 37FD
D106B516 0036
8106B520 009E
D106B514 37FD
D106B516 0036
8106B522 D1F8
D106B514 37FD
D106B516 0046
8106B520 009E
D106B514 37FD
D106B516 0046
8106B522 D1F8
D106B514 37FD
D106B516 0036
8106B520 009E
D106B514 37FD
D106B516 0036
8106B522 D1F8
D106B454 37FC
D106B456 0044
8106B460 00C4
D106B454 37FC
D106B456 0044
8106B462 3470
D106B514 37FD
D106B516 0038
8106B55C 4280
D106B514 37FD
D106B516 0039
8106B55C 42E0
D106B514 37FD
D106B516 0044
8106B55C 42C0
D106B514 37FD
D106B516 0045
8106B55C 42A0
D106B514 37FD
D106B516 0046
8106B55C 4280
D106B514 37FD
D106B516 0047
8106B55C 4240
D106B514 37FD
D106B516 0048
8106B55C 4200
D106B514 37FD
D106B516 0049
8106B55C 41C0
D106B514 37FD
D106B516 0049
8106B55C 3F80
D106B514 37FD
D106B516 004A
8106B55C C100
D106B514 37FD
D106B516 004B
8106B55C C1A0
D106B514 37FD
D106B516 004D
8106B55C C160
D106B514 37FD
D106B516 004E
8106B55C C120
D106B514 37FD
D106B516 004F
8106B55C C0E0
D106B514 37FD
D106B516 0050
8106B55C 3F80
D106B514 37FD
D106B516 0046
8106B520 00CE
D106B514 37FD
D106B516 0046
8106B522 984A
D106B514 37FD
D106B516 0048
8106B520 00B9
D106B514 37FD
D106B516 0048
8106B522 5722
D106B514 37FD
D106B516 0038
8106B560 C1A0
D106B514 37FD
D106B516 0039
8106B560 C200

Showdown 64\Move Hacks\Package Piledriver\2
D106B514 37FD
D106B516 0048
8106B560 C1C0
D106B514 37FD
D106B516 0049
8106B560 C240
D106B514 37FD
D106B516 004A
8106B560 4200
D106B514 37FD
D106B516 004B
8106B560 42A0
D106B514 37FD
D106B516 0069
8106B560 3F80
D106B514 37FD
D106B516 0048
8106B558 C100
D106B514 37FD
D106B516 0049
8106B558 C1A0
D106B514 37FD
D106B516 004A
8106B558 C1D0
D106B514 37FD
D106B516 004B
8106B558 C200
D106B514 37FD
D106B516 0069
8106B558 3F80
8132784C 0916
8132784E 0076
81327850 99FF
81327852 006A


Crowd Member
just wanted to say thanks to Keson for reigniting my love for no mercy mods and Tyler Black for putting me onto this


Crowd Member
Oh my god,thanks so much for that Package Piledriver fix,Tyler Black,now I can finally kill people!!!

Tyler Black

Upper Midcard
Nov 2, 2014
Reaction score
Threads been pretty slow the last few days, heres a spot
<iframe type='text/html' width='250' height='250' src='
' frameborder='0' allowfullscreen=''></iframe>


Young Lion
Jan 29, 2014
Reaction score
I haven't had time to play in a while, but yesterday I finally got v 5.3 and the last couple of DLCs. All I can say is WOW! Amazing job, Keson. Thanks as always. So fun playing with Sid and the APA, Owen, Shamrock, etc. They all look terrific.

Really hoping for Goldust in one of the next updates!


Jul 23, 2014
Reaction score
<blockquote class='quote\\_blockquote'><dl><dt>Tyler Black</dt><dd>Feb 1 2015, 02:45:16 AM</dd></dl><div>Threads been pretty slow the last few days, heres a spot
<iframe type='text/html' width='250' height='250' src='
' frameborder='0' allowfullscreen=''></iframe>[/quote]I'd guess the thread's been pretty slow bc people are too busy playing Showdown to comment! I know that's been the case for me!

Thanks Tyler Black for the Package Piledriver fix, I've been waiting for that, it's now fun to use Kevin Steen in the game.

Also echoing the love for Goldust, looking forward to him and hopefully an NXT DLC some point!

EDIT: Nice spot btw!

Tyler Black

Upper Midcard
Nov 2, 2014
Reaction score

Thanks man, glad people are enjoying using Steen again. Goldust is being worked on, just need to fix the crotch and neck up

An NXT pack is in the works! I made some sweet zayn tights from the night he won the title.

Deleted User

Crowd Member
I have a Goldust, I just haven't put him in 2.1, yet. You want to REALLY make me happy, my man, you should finish up those Young Bucks. If you do, I have a Kenny Omega face I can start to finish and then the AJ Styles slot can have the freaking Bullet Club!


Tyler Black

Upper Midcard
Nov 2, 2014
Reaction score
Freaking sweet man! Matt's done Nick's just being a bitch with no good face reference pics, gonna finish him up tonight

Deleted User

Crowd Member
Find me the face pics you used and post 'em.

Sometimes it just takes shitloads of different parts from different pics.

For instance, my Sabu mod is made from FIVE different Sabu face pics, PLUS one piece of New Jack. It's really my only strong suit in No Mercy is making faces, from time to time. So throw 'em my way.


Young Lion
Jan 29, 2014
Reaction score
Is there anything I can try to get around the issue of guys in the same character slot having the right movesets in a Battle Royale/Royal Rumble?

For example, Jeff Hardy, Matt Hardy, Booker T, and Stevie Ray are all in the same character slot. If Jeff Hardy comes out, and then later Booker T comes out, he uses Jeff Hardy's moveset. If Sting comes out, and then Lex Luger comes out, he has Sting's moveset. I love doing 40-man Battle Royales (my favorite thing to do in this game) and this is really annoying.

Great news about Goldust, BTW. Can't wait!

Deleted User

Crowd Member
Um, I think there may be, but I haven't dove into WldFb's tutorial too much yet, as I'm not that smart.


Got a start on this by accident while looking for something else entirely. The great Peter Maivia, grandfather of the Rock.
Never mind, I got to work on two different ones I didn't plan on working on tonight. I don't know how it happened, but it's 2:30 AM and I have this:


Tyler Black

Upper Midcard
Nov 2, 2014
Reaction score
Harely Race!?! Fuck yeah gonna have some sick cage matches with flair and dusty. And I know I've seen a fix for the rumble on WldFb's site but I remember it being incredibly difficult. If I remember correctly the move sets are order specific. So if Jeff is number 22, slot 22 in the match has jeffs default move set, no matter what attire he's in

Edit: found it second post. It comes with a conversion tool. But you would have to hand pick your entire rumble, so you know what move sets to put in what spots

Deleted User

Crowd Member
We could make a MASSIVE code for every attire slot in ever instance of any rumble match, but honestly, wow...... that would take a loooooooong time.

Might be worth it. Maybe once all the default slots are filled we can get a team together to attempt a massive rumble patch.



Tyler Black

Upper Midcard
Nov 2, 2014
Reaction score
that would be 404 codes for one entire slot alone.... wow that would be cool but is it possible?