WWF Legends 2.1


Young Lion
Feb 21, 2017
Reaction score
So does this work with the same version of Project 64 as Showdown 64 does?

Also does this mod work the same way as Showdown64


Young Lion
Mar 4, 2017
Reaction score
hey everyone can some one PLEASE help!
I got the mod to work perfectly the only thing going wrong is the music/commentary. It won't activate no matter what I do.

I have the codes all checked
I did the music tool set up three different times step by step by looking at the photos and following along

but I think something is wrong with the numbers I get from using the cheat engine.
these are the original numbers that come in the music tool/settings file 0x4356FFFE
but these are the ones I get after following the instructions 0x4B68FFFE

is this wrong?
when I do the music tool check it says wrong offset but I do not understand how... I have followed every step perfectly even triple checking to confirm I have so I'm not sure whats going on.

in cheats I have all the codes checked so I'm pretty sure its not that, unless the cheat file that makes the music work is somehow a separate code you have to manually add in yourself but according to the game file it says the code is already included with the WWF MOD

so if someone can help, and preferably soon that would be great because I would love to finally be able to play this MOD


Lower Midcard
Nov 2, 2010
Reaction score
Does your Project 64 .exe file match the "ProcessName" reference in the settings.ini?


So using the example above, the .exe file would have to be Project64.exe and not Project 64.exe or Project64 1.6.exe etc.

Another example: -

ProcessName="Project64 1.6.exe"

Using the example above, the .exe file would have to be Project64 1.6.exe



Young Lion
Mar 4, 2017
Reaction score
yea it did, I got it working but I have to re configure the numbers each time in cheat engine which is a little annoying if I want to get the announcers/music each time

I also noticed that when I have the music an announcers set up and working for whatever reason I can't seem to make my game full screen. Do you know how I can fix that? I have an ASUS 15.6 laptop and would love to make it full screen to get the full effect out of it but anytime I try to I have problems. It's only when I don't have the music enabled that it allows me to make it full screen

and thank you for responding
does anyone here know how to make the game full screen?

when I make it full screen it crashes (but ONLY if I have the music and announcers going) other wise if I don't usr the NM nothing tool it does not crash when I attempt to make it full screen


Lower Midcard
Nov 2, 2010
Reaction score
That's a new one on me.

I can't think what would cause such an issue.
Sorry about that.

Have you tried Full Screen using both the menu and escape button methods?


Young Lion
Mar 4, 2017
Reaction score
yes I have. Once I set up the music/commentary all is well until I click full screen. As long as I leave the window small I'm okay but the moment I click full screen or use my keyboard to make it full screen it all goes black and freezes and half the time I have to restart my laptop because even opening the task manager doesn't work at that point

I don't understand what could have caused it because I followed all the settings perfectly down to anything the instructions said. I kept the window open as I went through it all step by step and triple checked everything


Young Lion
Apr 17, 2017
Reaction score
Is there any possible way of running this mod and showdown 64 mod on Project64 apk? .... ok so like I have a Nvidia shield, is there a project64 apk version that will let me do this on that instead of pc?
Ok so I finally got it to work in 2.1 but then I went to settings tab and the list of options disappeared on me? ... That background was still there and I could hear it moving options but couldn't see them. Any idea?
Ok so I thought I finally got it but still happening. If I move tabs things start disappearing but I'm hearing the controller change those options in background.
Ok so just to see what happens, I switched back to glide 64 and nothing as far as correct textures worked of course but nothing disappeared off the screen though. ... So it may be my rice video I downloaded. But how do i correctly insert the downloaded rice video plugin into my project 64?


Main Eventer
Aug 29, 2012
Reaction score
here's another match for you guys:

here's another epic match for you guys:



Crowd Member
Okay, this is amazing!! Gotta be one of the noblest endeavors ever in the history of mod-dom. If this thing dies, humanity will be worse off for it.

I see Janetty in the "under contruction" lineup... I hope we will have a matching Rocker Michaels. And don't be teasing me with the Hercules "Power" attire.... please, please, pleeeaaase let's bring in Paul Roma and Slick.

I will totally volunteer to beta test.


Crowd Member
The music/commentary file has been removed - apparently it recognizes Ted DiBiase's song. Anybody have a reupload?


Crowd Member
Hey everyone - Happy Thanksgiving. I'm looking for some help here. Very new to this scene as far as using roms on my pc. I am dying to play this legends 2.1, but i am having a problem with the inital setup. i am using PJ64 2.3.2 and its seems the menus dont correspond with the images of how to setup on the download for 2.1. also what do you guys suggest in terms of a controller. i have a couple extra ps3 controllers kicking around. i have seen adapters for actual n64 controllers and i know alot of people use xbox 360 controllers. what is the best bet for playing. any and all help is much appreciated. i have a long weekend so trying to make this happen to help me pass the time this weekend.


May 9, 2011
Reaction score
Um far as I know Legends uses pj64 1.6 heard plans for 2.1 not sure it's been released yet.I use a ps2 style controller defiently enough buttons but gonna go down to preference with how you map the keys.Myself I use the shoulder buttons for the c> buttons with left and right being L1,R1 and up down being L2,R2 the right stick as the analog for taunt/special.Then I use triangle and square as a and b and cross as left shoulder/trigger circle as right shoulder/trigger.start remains as start but use select as z and dpad for default dpad.


Main Eventer
Dec 25, 2011
Reaction score
I thought legends was already on 2.1? I've got a folder on my desktop that says Legends 2.1 and the graphics sub-folder also says 2.1, though the textures seem to still be for 1.6.


Main Eventer
Aug 29, 2012
Reaction score


Crowd Member
I've downloaded and played this it's awesome, makes me want to contribute to the modding.

I'm currently looking into figuring how to get the computer to autoload the music tool and do the offset calculation by itself by editing the settings ini. This seems like a painful undertaking. Another way to possibly remedy this is to somehow get my PC to not change the 9AD6 address so the settings ini file offset never has to change.

[UPDATE]: For now I will leave the PC running to deal with this issue

I have one other thing i'm trying to fix and I think it's either a Project 64 1.6 issue or a bug when running the music mod because it only happens if I load the Music Tool. When I load the Music Tool and go full screen the full screen gets locked in and can't close Project 64. Even when i try to close it in task manager it's locked in. Tried to F12 and ALT+F4 to no avail. The only way I was able to close it is to restart my PC.

[UPDATE]: Found the fix to the full screen issue. I was going to full screen from the Project 64 menus. If I go to full screen with the ESC command I can use the ESC command to get out of full screen.

If I find better fixes i'll update. If anyone else has a fix I would greatly appreciate any input.

WIN 10
NVidia 960
Intel i7100