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  1. PsychoGirl

    The Future of WWE 2K15 Modding Dicussion

    Might be a stupid answer ( and people WILL hate me for this) I am getting the RELOADED upload from Kickass ....and Won't texmod work for this? Just asking
  2. PsychoGirl

    Spoilers:Wrestlemania 31 Review !

    When Undertaker came, me and my friends were watching live...I was like 'WOOOAAAH MYYYY GODDDDDDD LOOK AT HIM!!!' I was stunned to see hair and the 2004/Big Evil styled attire. ....yes I started fangirling as always :D ^That was Undertaker's lets get back to the topic. I...
  3. PsychoGirl

    time to say goodbye

    I'll miss you a lot. All the things you taught me and motivated me to do things, you're really my most fav teacher. Me and everyone here will miss you a lot. Yes, personal life comes first. Do visit us at times mhm?
  4. PsychoGirl

    OSR Whammy Awards 2014

    Wooo Congratulations dear Winners!
  5. PsychoGirl

    Say Hell to the Bad Guy

    Okay..HELL There!! :D
  6. PsychoGirl

    Hi guys from Rivx

    Hey hey heeey Welcome to OSR :D
  7. PsychoGirl

    FinnBálorMod By ERI619

    Dude! Do that , I did it before, I regret taking out the passwords -.- xD
  8. PsychoGirl

    FinnBálorMod By ERI619

    Oh my! No wonder his mod looks the same as yours :O He probably won't explain it , since he has a page and he steals every sort of mods available and publishes them as RAW mods.
  9. PsychoGirl

    Happy Birthday Topic

    Happy Birthday Dafamily!
  10. PsychoGirl

    voice out!

    Dear Mr. Hasa x) When I started my Seventh Standard in my school , my mom used to help me a lot. But unlike before, she wasn't able to help me in Maths. I had tuition and I attended those. Other than maths, mom always helped me and gave me tips for which I was able to score amazing marks. She...
  11. PsychoGirl

    '93 - '96 ... ''The New Generation''

    These are sooooooooo Awesome :O
  12. PsychoGirl

    S**t is goin' down between Vince and Brock!

    Vacant vs Reigns for the vacated WWE Title.....JK The first line of the first post is too damn cool xD
  13. PsychoGirl

    Happy Birthday Topic

    Happy Birthday Super_Joker And Belated Happy Birthdays to Maximo, TDF and Mr. Rev
  14. PsychoGirl


    Heya! Welcome back :D
  15. PsychoGirl

    Ban Announcements

    Were you guys talking about ATS earlier? Because that guy keeps on tagging me in his mods on FAcebook. He literally uses No Mercy texture mods on RAW xD >_> Pathetic. Surprisingly he never stole any of my RAW mods. He steals other people's stuff though. But he changes the freakin face of the...
  16. PsychoGirl

    What Stupid shit have you done

    I don't wanna remind myself of the stupidest shit I did featuring my eyelashes and blood and hospital .-. but damn you shaved your arm hair? One of my old friend once did those things with his arms and legs...Damn he looked odd and people made fun of him. I decided to help the poor guy and he...
  17. PsychoGirl

    Scold/Insult/Talk trash to PsychoGirl/Jane Nong Game

    And Everything Nice? GREAT!
  18. PsychoGirl

    Scold/Insult/Talk trash to PsychoGirl/Jane Nong Game

    How did you guys make an age old post THIS active? BAH GAWD
  19. PsychoGirl

    Scold/Insult/Talk trash to PsychoGirl/Jane Nong Game

    I just LOL'd at you guys. KAMERON HAZ A FACEBOOK I KNOW IS PASSWORD ...PM for details :'3 xD [Dont even think of spamming me wiff password requests I'll UNLEASH WRath ON YOUUUUU]
  20. PsychoGirl

    [Closed] My Caws and Edits

    I sure will! I actually thought I would re-make all my arenas I did for RAW , make them as accurate I can , then release them as a resource pack, but I am looking forward to apply them in the game myself :P Oh , and I guess I am cancelling the 30 years of WM Mod for RAW. I'll do that for No...