Showdown 64


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The SvR section is but a sub-forum of the official Showdown 64 website.


Lower Midcard
Jul 6, 2014
Reaction score
Im gonna be honest, i been holding my tongue around here for a while just out of respect but i guess now ill let it out now.
If you know where people go then you WOULD KNOW that I have explored around. Every time I search for what i want i get nothing but DEAD LINKS or useless info. One time i searched in the archives for something, you provided a link directed to a tutorial from 2003 and it said "follow the pictures for step by step instructions", problem was that it was from 2003 and every picture was GONE, it said "image removed"(This is actually in a few spots). Another time I asked where there was an archive for other arenas and you told me to search the archive so i did. I found a shit load of WCW arenas which is what i was looking for but they were ALL DEAD LINKS!!! Another time i was looking for how to import CAW's, I found the topic but it had ZERO posts in it!! Other members of this forum are cool as fuck, they help me out if i need something. Oh and if you are capable of seeing where ive been, look in my inbox, read all my message with the other members. Ive never been provided a link for help, NEVER.
I appreciate the fuck out of what all the modders did for this game, its my favorite wrestling game by far, but this is the most negative hostile forum i've ever signed up for...... BAR NONE!
People come here asking for help and you just yell at them and get pissed about it. WTF is that about? I could understand people getting upset about requests, that i get, but when people ask for help why do they get reamed for it? One time I reported a bug in here (which YOU said was ok to report) about peoples names being messed up in the HUD, you got pissed at me and told me to fix it myself. I KNOW TO FIX IT MYSELF! i was saying it cause i knew the next week somebody was gonna bring it up, then 2 weeks another will bring it up, and so on and so on...... and guess what? thats exactly what happened! it was preventative maintenance FOR YOU!
Bottom line: this game seems to be 'made by modders for modders' thats it, and for people like me that dont know how to use photoshop/provide textures we just get shit on a stick. I see you already "warned" me but right now im at the point where i could careless. Ban me if it will make you feel better. but i'm leaving this hostile forum on my own. Peace

Deleted User

Crowd Member
Don't cry about not getting help when you don't post in the help section.

I willing to bet if I do a search for the number of help topics you've posted it will be zero.

For two years you turned this single thread into your one-stop No Mercy shop and were oblivious to why it bothered me. You're an extremely rude person.



Nov 23, 2013
Reaction score
OptimusCrime said:
Im gonna be honest, i been holding my tongue around here for a while just out of respect but i guess now ill let it out now.
If you know where people go then you WOULD KNOW that I have explored around. Every time I search for what i want i get nothing but DEAD LINKS or useless info. One time i searched in the archives for something, you provided a link directed to a tutorial from 2003 and it said "follow the pictures for step by step instructions", problem was that it was from 2003 and every picture was GONE, it said "image removed"(This is actually in a few spots). Another time I asked where there was an archive for other arenas and you told me to search the archive so i did. I found a shit load of WCW arenas which is what i was looking for but they were ALL DEAD LINKS!!! Another time i was looking for how to import CAW's, I found the topic but it had ZERO posts in it!! Other members of this forum are cool as fuck, they help me out if i need something. Oh and if you are capable of seeing where ive been, look in my inbox, read all my message with the other members. Ive never been provided a link for help, NEVER.
I appreciate the fuck out of what all the modders did for this game, its my favorite wrestling game by far, but this is the most negative hostile forum i've ever signed up for...... BAR NONE!
People come here asking for help and you just yell at them and get pissed about it. WTF is that about? I could understand people getting upset about requests, that i get, but when people ask for help why do they get reamed for it? One time I reported a bug in here (which YOU said was ok to report) about peoples names being messed up in the HUD, you got pissed at me and told me to fix it myself. I KNOW TO FIX IT MYSELF! i was saying it cause i knew the next week somebody was gonna bring it up, then 2 weeks another will bring it up, and so on and so on...... and guess what? thats exactly what happened! it was preventative maintenance FOR YOU!
Bottom line: this game seems to be 'made by modders for modders' thats it, and for people like me that dont know how to use photoshop/provide textures we just get shit on a stick. I see you already "warned" me but right now im at the point where i could careless. Ban me if it will make you feel better. but i'm leaving this hostile forum on my own. Peace
Later fag boy. :withflair:


Lower Midcard
Feb 1, 2014
Reaction score
Wow, this would be a good time for a video from dafamily. Do you take requests?


Staff member
Feb 25, 2013
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well this was a nice surprise, I'm now even happier i ordered that n64 controller from Singapore yesterday :)


Main Eventer
Aug 29, 2012
Reaction score
DynamiteTommy said:
Wow, this would be a good time for a video from dafamily. Do you take requests?

of course I take requests bro, it's the least I can do lol!! And thanks for the update Keson, amazing work as always...


The captcha that come up on the first link was:

Reap What You Sow


Edit 2 - Bugs & Questions:

I notice that the entrance code gives an error (makes the project 2.1 crash)!!

I noticed there is a portrait code, but I don't have an idea what it does lol!!

Anyways that's all I could find so far man, loving all the new guys you added as well as the different match types and different camera angles really gives the game a fresh feel to it man!!


Oct 23, 2015
Reaction score
This is odd. I had 5.4 working for the past few months but i cannot get this beta to work. I followed the instructions twice but still no luck. I know i have the directories all setup correct. If 5.4 can work, then this new beta should work fine if you place the textures in the right folder including the save and config.

Here are some screenshots. DaFamily, you have any suggestions?


When i try to start a match, i get this error. PS: I am using project 64 2.1

I can post screenshots of my directory if you want just to prove to you have i have directories in right area.

Tyler Black

Upper Midcard
Nov 2, 2014
Reaction score
go to cheats, untick edithacks, only leave on showdown 64. you have the green screen and show off arena hack on


Oct 23, 2015
Reaction score
<blockquote class='quote\\_blockquote'><dl><dt>Tyler Black</dt><dd>Oct 23 2015, 09:20:41 PM</dd></dl><div>go to cheats, untick edithacks, only leave on showdown 64. you have the green screen and show off arena hack on[/quote]Thank you partner. I was able to change my cheat settings. Here's a screenshot for those who counter this problem like i was facing. Make sure the cheats are selected like this.

Here are the results



Special thanks to Kesson and the entire team for making this possible!


Young Lion
Oct 17, 2015
Reaction score
hi is there a way to change the attires for each wrestler?

and i have a little problem with the ring.. for example, the nitro logo in the ring is there 4 times and smaller instead of being centered.. 10x

Deleted User

Crowd Member
That's because you don't have the proper cheats selected. Follow the instructions and double check your settings.

New attires are possible, simply dump new textures and replace them with whatever you want.

edit: In the future, please start a topic in the help section, instead of asking in this thread. Thanks.


Oct 23, 2015
Reaction score
I like this current build better than others because it seems like a lot of the match glitches are gone. It's much better in terms of game play.


Main Eventer
Aug 29, 2012
Reaction score

Whenever I try the Nitro arena the floor pads are always missing, yet when I checked in the arenas folder under the misc parts section they are in there??

I was trying out Hollywood Hogan in nitro, and I noticed that his moveset is like grandmaster sexays like he does a drop kick and such, and I have all the movesets checked off.

The cheat file that I'm using is from the 5.5 beta update, so I don't know if I'm doing anything wrong!!

Tyler Black

Upper Midcard
Nov 2, 2014
Reaction score
Great to see the backstage make a come back :) great work Keson, gameplay as a whole has vastly improved, and the bugs are down to the most minor of things. Phenomenal stuff

Deleted User

Crowd Member
Wolfpac and SK Stylez are the ones that recovered the backstage, I take zero credit. I'm uploading the build with Hulk Hogan fixed, along with one other thing included for laughs.

However, this is IT for me working in the cheat file until WolfPac finishes his build of Showdown. The current build that isn't released already has 13 arenas, Wolfpac's goal is to get even more in, because he's an insane guy who is pretty much everything a No Mercy modder should be.

I am thankful because honestly,my time to hack/mod is very limited right now, and most of my free time is spent training. i do get the itch though, and with a LOT of other people's help 6.0 will still happen, someday. I can't even begin to name how many people have helped. Hi Flashaman and tjpunk. ;)

It's just a mountain of work that doesn't really have an end in sight to fit everything.

There's still more minor bugs for me to squash, but Chuck has managed to do some incredible things to fix a few I couldn't and add to even more immersion to the current upload. The weapons work is simply fantastic.

This upload also has some moveset enhancements already implemented, such as RVD's multiple strikes, running grapples for many wrestlers, and striking finishers activated while on special. I need to fix the sell of HBK's Sweet Chin Music, I've noticed.

There's still a lot of work to be done, so that's why this upload is just considered a beta. I haven't even seen version 6. No one but perhaps Wolfpac has.

edit: Fixed build: