Showdown 64


Upper Midcard
Dec 6, 2010
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0 going to PM you hahaha. I'm not surprised about everyone blowing you up. It does get draining when you get demands and you're doing this for free.


Young Lion
Jun 23, 2014
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Sorry to hear about what happened Keson. It can be hard working on a No Mercy save project. Believe me, I can relate: the original timescale for Back 2 Basics was 3-4 months. It ended up taking nearly a year :p. Take some time off and get your passion back. As for the idiots who kept PM-spamming you, congratulations assholes, you just ruined a highly-anticipated release for the rest of us, as well as yourselves, so good going jerkwads :(

Ideally they'd be a way to stop people like this from having access to the save while not freezing out the perfectly reasonable people, but if this is the only way to do it, then so be it. We can wait if we have to


Lower Midcard
Feb 1, 2014
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Young Lion
Apr 16, 2015
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Hey I have a question and I'm sorry if it's been addressed but it's a long thread. I started up No Mercy again recently (I play off and on) and created a few characters. Kinda hooked again. Anyway I just came across this mod. I'm really impressed with the skins. It's a thoughtful and comprehensive job and I appreciate it. But I see that there's no way to edit the characters. And so that's my question. Is that not an option? Is there a way to do it with the creator's kit besides starting from scratch? Is there a reason why like Bret Hart and Sting don't have the Sharpshooter? In my opinion I just don't see the point in playing if I can't do that. Why do Flair and Macho Man have women stances? Doesn't this sort of ruin things for anyone else? I don't get it. I was so excited at first and now I think I'm going to just play the regular No Mercy again. Unless there's some way to edit this stuff. Other than that the thing looks great.

Like a lot of these choices just don't make any sense. Flair doesn't have the Figure Four. Seriously.
Alight so I guess the answer is no. What a waste. Lot of hard work put in I'm sure.

Deleted User

Crowd Member
You didn't read the directions, that's why you have so many questions. Be patient for replies, we all have lives outside of OSR and don't get paid to be here.

In your cheats, make sure "Showdown 64" is selected.

You honestly think this thread and mod would have so many views and downloads if the wrestlers didn't actually work? Seriously?


Young Lion
Apr 16, 2015
Reaction score
The "I guess the answer was no" was added after I flipped back and saw you answer the same question with that you already answered it/ban him. I took that to mean no. Either way I apologize for getting so worked up. It's my fault. I'm the idiot. Thanks for the wonderful mod.

edit: Basically the mod seemed too good to be true. When I create wrestlers I put a lot of time and thought into their move set, parameters, etc. And you put a ton of thought into the skins. The level of detail's honestly mind blowing. And I didn't expect there to be fully formed characters in terms of moves. I just thought well maybe most people don't care enough. Which clearly isn't true.
Holy shit there ARE fully formed characters. I figured that would just allow the edit. A quick check of Flair having 'often' bleeding and 'strong' endurance gets my approval. Fucking right I'm never gonna stop playing this game now. Thank you so much for this.
I used the same punch (Punch 03) for Bret when I created him.

edit: I think I might actually like your Bret more than mine. The reverse Figure Four makes more sense. I had the regular Figure Four at that slot to work the legs. Anyway there's a lot of overlap. I had German Suplex Pin as back special but yeah it seems cheap to make him Special up for that. At B makes more sense. I understand the forearm choice. What else are you gonna put there? I fully concede to the abilities of the people who made this and trust their knowledge of wrestling 100%.
Definitely down with the idea of using all slots for back grapple moves and scrapping the back special. I followed what AKI did when creating and made the back grapple slots redundant, but always felt like I'd end up dropping moves I wanted in there. Just did it to level the playing field or whatever.

One minor thing is I sort of feel like Jake Roberts should have DDT 02 as his special. The animation is a lot closer to how he does it. Jump and to the side. The DDT 01 animation is default in this game and everyone basically has it. DDT 02 does the same damage with chance of blood. Although maybe there's a good reason DDT 01 was chosen.
Nice hack on the Hogan special (I think, as I don't remember a taunt being involved in that). The classic Flair flop special is no more I guess (unless you remapped it to a regular move and I missed it). That's kind of a nothing special anyway. I guess it would be nice for Nash to not be a clone of Hall with the Jacknife being available and all. Not complaining just thinking out loud. Removing the entrances makes sense. Would end up with a bunch of wrestlers having the same music and wouldn't add anything.
This is a little off-topic but does everyone know how to hack the Sharpshooter in real life? The way it's done in wrestling makes it look bigger (crossing your leg to the same side as the the leg you're using, so left-to-the-left as Bret does it), but requires assistance from the opponent in turning over. Easily blockable. However if you take say your right leg and cross it over to the left, you can flip the opponent over easily and it eliminates having to drag your leg over top. Turns it into an actually dangerously effective move. I remember either me or one of my friends innovating this as a kid. Although should only be used in responsible hands.

Deleted User

Crowd Member
Most hacks won't appear in the smackdown mall. Nash has an accurate moveset, but it isn't activated until the match starts.

Please do not use this thread to ask general No Mercy hacking/modding questions. We have threads for that and asking here greatly bothers me, as I have taken the time to create an entire site for this sort of thing.

Have a look around the place and become familiar with how it works, and in no time you'll have the answers you want.

Thanks for the feedback, glad you are having fun. :)


Young Lion
Apr 16, 2015
Reaction score
"Most hacks won't appear in the smackdown mall. Nash has an accurate moveset, but it isn't activated until the match starts."

:) I thought this might the case but haven't had much time to check. Or really navigate the site.

"We have threads for that and asking here greatly bothers me, as I have taken the time to create an entire site for this sort of thing."

Understood. I honestly didn't realize that there was a massive community for these AKI games. Supposed to be studying anyway but can't stop thinking about this damn game. I'll be back in due time and to check out the forum. Thanks again.


Young Lion
Apr 16, 2015
Reaction score
This mod is literally the best thing to happen to video games in my lifetime. I'm not even joking you don't know how much this means to me. I was addicted to these games as a kid. I was aware of some mods existing but never really looked much into it. Didn't expect anything like this. I play this game intermittently but recently I got myself hooked again creating characters and all that. I used to edit the characters in NM and WM2000 obsessively for years after their releases, matching the small developments in attire from week to week as I watched RAW. I'm serious about this, I was obsessed with this game. I also used to fantasize a lot about 3D wrestling games and what they'd be like while playing the 2D ones like those Acclaim ones. When I played the 3D Acclaim ones there was something unfulfilling about them although they were fun. But the THQ/AKI games are what really delivered. Anyway this project is clearly the culmination of years of work from a large devoted community and you don't know how much I appreciate it. I respect this work so much, it's going to bring me so much damn joy. Anyway once my school stuff is over in a week maybe I'll learn how to mod. Not much else to do over the summer.
Anyway, ring entrances and music are both absent from my game. I don't see any options for them in the cheats. In-game option doesn't affect music. Would someone be able to help?

Deleted User

Crowd Member
Entrances won't work with 4 in 1 attire hacks. Tyler Black uses them for his copy, though, he could help.

Tyler Black

Upper Midcard
Nov 2, 2014
Reaction score
Glad to see you caught the showdown itch :) I use full entrance hacks personally because I make belt mods. My old copy of showdnw had about 20 interchangeable belts. The only real draw back of entrances, is that's whatever the entrance taunt of the guy in the first slot is, all other slots have the first slots entrance taunt. So let's say triple h is in the first slot, and chyna x pac and Shawn are his other slots, they all will do triple hs water bottle entrance taunt. Still they're great if you want belts


Main Eventer
Jul 13, 2011
Reaction score
You need to use attire specific activators for the full intros to work properly


Young Lion
Apr 16, 2015
Reaction score
Thanks, I'm cool with no entrances for now. Just thought I might've had something turned off.
A lot of these gameplay adjustments are really nice. Particularly like the occasional special boost. Mixes things up and gets it closer to the unpredictability of an actual wrestling match. Couple questions which I tried searching for to no avail, if anyone has the time to answer. What influences the special boost? Is there a random component to it? I threw an opponent low on special out of the ring and he got a boost, but that doesn't seem to consistently happen. Haven't been able to identify what causes it. Also, what does the option 'store special' mean? I get one to use or something if the special runs out without me using it? If that's the case I think I'll turn it off. Front special S powered is great and helps even things out.

Had one issue with wrestlers falling through the ring especially during 4-way matches. Mostly using the example settings given in that link, but without advanced block linking as it definitely causes my emulator to crash.

Tyler Black

Upper Midcard
Nov 2, 2014
Reaction score
In my experiences with the special boost, it's kind of like a second wind. If you're really kicking your opponents ass, I think it triggers when the opponents health is really low. I'm not sure where, but I know there's an explanation around here somewhere for how stored specials work. Players falling through the ring is a glitch Keson is working on.


Young Lion
Apr 16, 2015
Reaction score
Damn, was hoping I was missing a setting that fixes that glitch.

I love how Goldberg has 4 damage for flying but only one flying move that's a special (sincerely). Comin' down with the big double axe handle.

edit: I'm sure this has been considered but it'd be nice if there was some way to get the spear as a high damage special. Although if done I suppose it would have to begin as a grapple or hold and would limit where/how it could be hit. Probably better left as is. The crowd reaction to it helps a lot with the effect though. Not sure if that was already in Revenge or if you added it. I generally try not using it until later in the match and set it up with a ducking taunt though.

edit2: And the much improved speed during 4-way matches is a true gift. *bows in thanks*

Tyler Black

Upper Midcard
Nov 2, 2014
Reaction score
The spear had damage mods man, by running and hitting A+S, Keson has done some hacking so hitting the spear is just as effective as using a special :)


Nov 6, 2013
Reaction score
DoubleHelix said:
Anyway, ring entrances and music are both absent from my game. I don't see any options for them in the cheats. In-game option doesn't affect music. Would someone be able to help?
Hello and welcome bud. If you want to go back to version 5.1 you can get full intros and use my music patch I made for it. Make sure you read carefully though and get your proper offset should you choose to do that. Obviously, The rosters isn't as big but you have most of the main players. You may be able to add the wrestlers that are missing you want back in manually but I can't confirm that you would have to ask around. also once you learn how to use the nm tool adding new music is easy. Its just a matter of going to YouTube and striping it.

Here is the old link -
