Showdown 64


Young Lion
Mar 2, 2015
Reaction score
Apologies, it's now solved. What I did was force the directory path, and that seems to have worked.

So now I had Hogan vs. André in WCW Saturday Night. :p

Deleted User

Crowd Member
I'm not even that big a fan of these guys, but it was part of Hogan's contract to include them in Showdown.


Some more Indy love, Roderick Strong!


RIP Perro Aguayo Jr., joining the Showdown fray!


Nikolai Volkoff by Orson!



Lower Midcard
Oct 1, 2012
Reaction score
Love Nikolai Volkoff. I remember him being a big scary russian. Would USA fall to the awesome might of the USSR? Dominate pro wrestling thus dominate the world? Seriously though, I had been wanting someone to mod him for a long time. Thanks Orson & Keson.


Nov 6, 2013
Reaction score
Angelo Poffo Next ? Dude was still bumping in his 50's back when the mats were a lot harder. Those crazy poffo's.

<iframe type='text/html' width='250' height='250' src='
' frameborder='0' allowfullscreen=''></iframe>



Young Lion
Jan 29, 2014
Reaction score
The ECW tournament continues with Rob Van Dam and Cactus Jack!

Watch Mrs. Foley's baby boy do what Mrs. Foley's baby boy does best . . . take a gosh darn beating!

<iframe type='text/html' width='250' height='210' src='
' frameborder='0' allowfullscreen=''></iframe>


Crowd Member
I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their hard work on this amazing project... I've spent countless hours creating dream matchups with this great mod on the greatest wrestling game of all time.

I am having a slight issue with the KOTR/Tournament mode, and I was wondering if this is normal or if anything can be done to fix it - I was wrestling against Bray Wyatt (in KOTR mode) and he was using Daniel Bryans moveset and taunts etc... this also happened sporatically during other matches in the tournament (CM Punk was not himself, nor was HBK)

Is there something I can tweak to prevent this from occuring in the future?

Thx again for this amazing project

Tyler Black

Upper Midcard
Nov 2, 2014
Reaction score
tommy240 said:
I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their hard work on this amazing project... I've spent countless hours creating dream matchups with this great mod on the greatest wrestling game of all time.

I am having a slight issue with the KOTR/Tournament mode, and I was wondering if this is normal or if anything can be done to fix it - I was wrestling against Bray Wyatt (in KOTR mode) and he was using Daniel Bryans moveset and taunts etc... this also happened sporatically during other matches in the tournament (CM Punk was not himself, nor was HBK)

Is there something I can tweak to prevent this from occuring in the future?

Thx again for this amazing project
No mercy is very funny with how it reads movesets. What we do is make specific movesets for specific attires. Now this works great with exhibition mode. But when no mercy reads the movesets for a royal rumble or KOTR, it assigns the moveset to the slot the wrestler is in, in those match types. It reads the wrestlers Ids to assign the moveset, not their specific attire Id. Which is why Bray has Bryan's moveset. Unfortunately there is no fix for this right now.

Deleted User

Crowd Member
My inbox this last week has pretty much brought version 6 to a halt.

Maybe instead of sending me move hacks requests, lectures on how to present my DLC, and quips about how I should just tolerate crappy members because this project is popular and maybe if I didn't want to deal with crappy members I shouldn't have made this mod, you could simply just be happy that this thing is free and available to the public.

So yeah. Thank your fellow members because I have absolutely no desire to work on this thing right now.

I have spent countless hours of my time working on this, but apparently, people who haven't even spent one hour trying to learn anything pertaining to No Mercy modding/hacking know better than me on how I should handle this project. I don't mind constructive criticism, but I'm flat out exhausted with people that are simply too lazy to help themselves. Showdown is super easy to customize to whatever you want, all it takes is a little bit of learning, which OSR has provided tutorials for. YOU CAN CUSTOMIZE THIS MOD TO YOUR PERSONAL LIKING, ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS A VERY, VERY SMALL AMOUNT OF READING IN OUR TUTORIAL SECTION.

Version 6 will only be available to my close friends via PM.

Sorry if this disappoints people, blame your fellow members who seem to think I'm their fucking No Mercy jukebox.




Main Eventer
Jul 13, 2011
Reaction score
What would you guy's do if we decided to not mod anymore full stop?? no more mods, moves, hacks, NOTHING ??? guess you would have to fuckin' learn then wouldn't you?

My Suggestion is as stated above LEARN... Take advantage of this awesome Site and the people that freely give there time to help members with there projects. we also have request sections on this site as well so post requests there not in peoples Inbox's

CBV my man as i have said to you before brother do this game for you NOT for anyone else YOU FUCKIN RULE MAN :) come back

Tyler Black

Upper Midcard
Nov 2, 2014
Reaction score
That's a shame. Some people don't realize how easy it is to learn this stuff. Seriously between November to now, tutorials and minimal guidance from some awesome members have taught me how to mod. It's like no one ever raised you guys.

You want help? Be polite! Not some asshole that think he has these great ideas for the mod but has no idea how to execute it or if its even possible. In the span of 5 months. I've learn how to create textures, make movesets, move replacements, and a small bit of arena hacking/modding. All from tutorials here on OSR. Pretty soon, I'll get move hacks down too, all In under 6 months guys. Keson you're the man and i consider you a close personal friend of mine. You and rain have been invaluable to me. Don't let anyone take away this amazing work from you. This is one of the greatest mods of all time hands down.


Lower Midcard
Oct 1, 2012
Reaction score
I'm not a contributor really other some face mods and sometimes trying to give helpful advice.

I do think I have common sense though. Don't know who complains about what and I don't even pay attention who does or ask who is. Everyone should just take whatever someone gives out (especially if it's really good) and just leave it at that. Be glad someone made it. If creator asks/requests advice or opinions then give it otherwise don't bother. If you want to change something it's usually not that hard to change it. Clone over a guy wipe out the cheat or whatever. If it's more complicated than you can handle just leave it the way it is. You could make a thread requesting help but if no one answers then drop it. Also keep in mind no one can make a game that will be ideal for everyone. There's wrestlers in every mod that I don't give a rat's butt about. I don't complain. I either don't use them or replace them.

Making a few requests
André the Giant debut
André the Giant in green pants and shirt with hand print.
Roddy Piper with alternate plaid kilt
Hulk Hogan as Terry Boulder
Hulk Hogan in jeans when he arm wrestled André the Giant

Just Kidding, I'm having fun that probably only I find smile worthy.


Young Lion
Jul 30, 2012
Reaction score
Sorry to hear about yor desicion to not do a public release of version 6.. but would like to thank you for the countless hours of fun i have had using your mod..thanks for all the hard work you have put into this!!


Main Eventer
Aug 29, 2012
Reaction score
I agree man, whatever you decide to do this mod is amazing man!! And with all the movesets, hacks and tutorials I don't see how anyone cannot make there know mod with all the stuff that is here!!


Young Lion
Jan 29, 2014
Reaction score
Like I've said before, I don't have the time to learn how to mod, but I felt like the one little thing I could do to show gratitude is release videos of me enjoying the game that you've made so much better as a way to promote the greatness of the mod, which is what I've tried to do.

Thanks for all the fun. :) Don't see how anyone could complain or bother you with this stuff and send you annoying PMs. Disappointing, I was really looking forward to enjoying version 6. Thanks a lot to all the morons for leading to this.

Deleted User

Crowd Member
Anyone who contributed a video will get a copy. You have nothing to worry about.

I'll release version 6 publicly when we get close to finishing version 7.


Nov 6, 2013
Reaction score
Wow ! Congratulations to all the dick faces who ruined this for the good guys.



Young Lion
Jan 10, 2015
Reaction score
there are people who are not close to you but still like what you and the other guys are doing (like me) that means that kind of people wont have the version 6? :(


Jul 23, 2014
Reaction score
Damn. Sorry to hear that. Do what you have to do Keson. We appreciate all you've done.