Virtual Pro Wrestling


Nov 26, 2010
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@Jcsix: Awesome Inoki!!

Save's not dead. From the moment I started working on this save, life's taken me on a hell of a journey and unfortunately modding/hacking has had to take a backseat for extended periods of time. From the day I started, I have suffered a serious injury to my right hand, lost some loved ones, moved to a foreign country to work, lost said job on short notice (company was shut down suddenly by evil taxmen) and ended up jobless and with limited funds in a country I was still very much trying to adapt to, let alone deal with the language barrier. During that time, I've still tried to do little things here or there, try to get a ring apron/ringmat set textured, clean up some old codes, etc. So I'll keep going like this, and at some point hopefully it's good enough to release.

Anyway, here's some previews of the first 30 ringapron/ringmat sets I managed to get done during these last few slow months. There's several more I plan to do (Pro Wrestling NOAH, Zero-One, NJPW 1980s, and a few other old school ones)

@WaylonMercysHands: Yes, definitely planning to include some Joshi greats and arenas as part of the save. I could definitely use some movesets, much appreciated!

@frog: Yes, for sure Vader is in, he's one of my faves!!!


During my time coding the properties, I realized I made several coding blunders way back in my original code (I very much am still learning more and more as I go along) and also thought of some more improved graphics and original gameplay elements to add to this, so I will eventually redo the stage and crowd (I have already restarted this and it's going along quite great) which is a hell of a lot of work. However, once I get sufficiently far along with this current stage and get some wrestlers done, I'll just release the version (v4) that's been previewed in this thread several times.

Mainly, I had 3 problems: First was I wasted 5 polygon slots making the super detailed overhead lighting, which worked fine at first but then later conflicted with another code (or possibly even the amount of graphic codes). Second, i wasted 2 weapon slots because I was lazy to use other polygons to make the monitors for the announce tables. And third, when doing the fighting-in-crowd properties, I realized I could also do the stage, but everything looked super flat.. so v5 will have a bit more of a 3D look (as well as the crowd stands, since there will be some new things to play with using properties).


v5 early WIP


Deleted User

Crowd Member
This is incredible! Honestly thought this save was dead, no offence! If you need any move hacks PLEASE let me know!


Main Eventer
Aug 29, 2012
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agree with every one on here man!! I can't wait to make vids of this man!!


Lower Midcard
Jul 11, 2011
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Oh shit, I too thought this was deceased but glad to hear it isn't. Oh boy can't wait for this one


Lower Midcard
Aug 3, 2011
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Sorry to hear about all your troubles man, happy to see you're still trying to do something that you like in the midst of all of it.

I don't know if you've thought about releasing the base arena and letting this become a community mod like Showdown is but whatever happens I'm happy that its still being worked on.


Upper Midcard
Dec 6, 2010
Reaction score
Jazz, always been a fan of your hacking abilities. Freaking top notch. This will definitely be a game changer.


Nov 26, 2010
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Thanks for all the replies. For as much work as I've put into this save, I have no intentions of letting it die, even if I sometimes have to take extended breaks from it, because I truly love this game and it has very strong sentimental value to me. I think it might take a very long time to fulfill the very ambitious vision I have for this save, but rest assured, I will always come back to work on it.

As for release-- the plan has always been to finish this first arena, do a few wrestlers, and release as a beta version, then release updates periodically much like Showdown and slowly build it up. I have my own vision of what I want the save to be like and I would like to keep the save as stylistically consistent as possible [by this, I mean I'd rather do most of the texturing myself and with Jcsix], so I don't know if a community mod would be ideal (that is, people doing texture mods on their own and sending them to be included).
However, that's not to say I'd be opposed to people using my hacks and/or textures by any means, if people want to take the base save and do other things with it (make it hi-res, or make an entirely different save from it) I would not be against it at all so long as some credit is given. I'm actually curious to see what other modders could do with it and I'd be happy to see other people play around with it.

These days I'm working 7 days a week and don't have much free time, and it might continue like this for the foreseeable future, but hopefully I can get something released before long. For now the arena in its current form is just about done, I won't go further in fixing the crowd textures because I'm redoing everything for version 5 anyway, so now hopefully I can focus on getting some wrestlers done.

@Keson: Thanks for the offer!! I may have a couple requests, I'll get back to you on that, I really appreciate it.



Main Eventer
Jul 13, 2011
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This Save is beyond No Mercy man the most beautiful part will surely be the cht file lol


Main Eventer
Dec 25, 2011
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This is probably what VPW3 or the Japanese version of No Mercy would have been like.

Tyler Black

Upper Midcard
Nov 2, 2014
Reaction score
Holy shit...this is literally breath taking...even if this isn't released until 2025 it'll be Worth it


Nov 26, 2010
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Had a busy and frustrating week, but I couldn't wait to get back to work on Korakuen v4. Although I've been dying to get started on version 5, I wasn't in much of a coding mood, so I just textured some new in-match graphics, quickly threw together some W*ING banners for the Korakuen balcony (which reminds me, I've another set of 20+ to do, they will change along with the ringmats/ring apron sets), and edited some of my old mods with Jcsix's amazing ring gear bases.


Deleted User

Crowd Member
Every preview is mind blowing.


I love the camera angles, as well.